After the South Korean Unification Department interviewed more than 6,000 northern people, the survey results released for the first time showed that the North Korean grain distribution system has actually collapsed.The hereditary North Korean residents of the family's hereditary attitude increased significantly.

After a deep interview with the 6,351 northern parties who abandoned the North Korea from 2013 to 2022, the Ministry of Unity of South Korea issued the North Korean economic and social survey report on February 6.

According to the report, from the north from 2016 to 2020, it accounted for 56.3%of the proportion of "negative views on North Korean leader Kim Jong -un's inheritance of power".Before 2000, the north who held this negative view accounted for only 36.6%.This means that North Korean residents who have a negative attitude towards the Kim family have increased significantly.

In addition, 72.2%of those who escaped from 2016 to 2022 said that "have not won the food distributed by the country", but Kim Jong -un accounted for 63%from 2006 to 2010 before it was in power.

Analysis pointed out that in the early 1990s, North Korea entered the era of "suffering". The economic downturn and the shortage of food caused a large number of people to go to South Korea through China.After North Korea experienced this period, the socialist planned economy and distribution system could not operate normally.After Kim Jong -un's ruling in 2012, the collapse of North Korea's distribution system seemed to be even more serious.

As for housing problems, 26.8%of the northern people said that they had experience in transfer or buying and selling houses.Especially among the northern people before 2000, this ratio is only 10.7%, but from 2016 to 2020, the proportion increased to 46.2%.

In principle, the people of North Korea live in housing provided by the state for free.According to the regulations, North Korea banned privately buying and selling houses, but there are still informal transactions between privately.

In 2017, from North Korea to South Korea, the North Korean said that in South Korea, the middle floor of the high -rise building in South Korea is a good floor.However, in North Korea, because there are no elevators, the high -rise apartment is cheaper, and the good floor is generally three or fourth floors.

In addition, although North Korea has strictly control residents to watch foreign film and television dramas, among the northern people from 2016 to 2020, foreign film and television dramas have been watched as high as 83.3%.

It is understood that the results of the interview survey by the South Korean government in the past are divided into "three -level secrets" and are only applicable to internal research materials.However, in May 2023, the government decided to make public publicity in order to let the outside world understand the situation of North Korea.