(Washington Composite Electric) Former US President Trump was defeated in a case that he could be exempted from criminal prosecution.To the prosecution.Trump will appeal on this.

Trump refused to recognize the defeat and buried the fuse for the "Mountain Mountain Riorm" that occurred on January 6, 2021.Jack Smith, a special prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice, proposed four criminal charges to him on the results of Trump's suspected overthrowing elections last year, with a total of 91 criminal control.Trump pointed out that all official actions were protected by administrative exemption during his tenure and could not be prosecuted.

The collegial panel formed by the three judges of the Federal Circuit Court of Columbia Special Economic Zone on Tuesday (February 6) made a decision on Tuesday (February 6).Legal rights are no different from other citizens and are not protected by any administrative exemption during his office.

The collegial panel pointed out in a 57 -page and tough wording opinion that Trump ’s accused illegal continued attempts to be in an attempt to form a" unprecedented attack on our government structure "and cannot be exempted.

Trump believes that it is the first major party candidate to be tried during the presidential presidential period of the president.The special prosecutor Smith's office was originally scheduled to open on March 4, and the case has not yet re -scheduled.In addition to this case, Trump also faced three other criminal cases, and Georgia also filed similar election related prosecution.

Trump will appeal to the Federal Supreme Court

Faced with this frustration of the law, Trump, who led in the Republican primary election, called the "destruction country" ruling. His spokesman said that Trump appealed to the Federal Supreme Court.According to the ruling, Trump can ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case by February 12.If the Supreme Court is accepted, nine judges may listen to new prosecution.If the Supreme Court refuses to accept it, the Appeal Court's ruling will take effect, and Trump must accept trials.

Trump can also ask all the judges of the Federal Circuit Court of Columbia Special Administrative Region for review.This "hospital" review is rarely approved.

In addition, the US Supreme Court will hear Trump's appeal on Trump on Thursday (8th).Republicans appealed to the Supreme Court of Federation, expecting to reverse the ban on the suspension of the Supreme Court of Kozhou.If the Federal Supreme Court rejected the ruling, Trump will be able to travel on the road of primary election again.

In terms of the primary election of the president, the US President Biden Bynden easily won the primaries of the Nevada Democratic Party, achieving two consecutive victories in the preliminary selection.Bynden, who was trying to fight for blacks and Latin voters in the state, did not encounter a real challenger in the first battlefield state.

Heili, who fought for Republican nominations, was defeated.The primary election was arranged by the Nevada Parliament, led by the Democrat, and Trump was absent, and his name was not on the votes.More than 60 % of Republican voters voted to the option of "non -these candidates".

At the same time, the Washington Post and people familiar with the matter earlier revealed that the US Department of Justice will not put forward criminal charges on Biden's improper processing confidential documents.In 2022, the US official found the secret materials took away during the residence and the former office of Biden and the former office, and then launched an investigation.According to reports, the special prosecutor will announce the investigation report in the next few days.