(Washington Composite Electric) The United States calls the Chinese government's support for the critical infrastructure of civilian communication, energy, transportation, and water conservancy facilities as attack targets in order to break the water and electricity during the conflict, which will cause the American civilians to be practical and practical and actual and actual and actual and actual and actual and actual and practicalMajor damage.

Chiristo Lei, director of the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI), warned when a member of the Congress (January 31) at Congress to the US -China Strategic Competition Commissioner: "Chinese hackers are deploying US infrastructure and preparing to start in China to launch in ChinaDuring the attack, it caused huge damage and caused practical damage to the American citizens and the community.

He said that Chinese hackers not only lock in political and military goals, but "to deal with civilians with humiliation is also one of the strategies for civilians."He said that the goals of Chinese hackers include sewage treatment plants, oil and natural gas conveying pipelines, electric power networks and transportation hubs.

Christopher Lei has previously accused China of trying to try to damage the United States through espionage, theft of intellectual property and cyber attacks.

The Director of the US Network Security and Infrastructure Security Administration Istide said at the hearing that the United States "discovered and eliminated" the Internet invasion launched by China on US aviation, water conservancy, energy, and transportation infrastructure.Human raids are prepared.

According to the allegations of FBI, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond immediately.The Chinese government has previously accused the United States and its allies scattered false information about China.

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on the same day to break the Chinese hacker organization named "Volt Typhoon".By controlling hundreds of small US offices or family offices, hackers tried to cover up their activities to attack US infrastructure.The United States said that the official was successfully removed from the "zombie network" composed of infected routers, which cleared the malware, but it could not guarantee that the router would not be infected again.

The List of "Chinese Military Enterprise" in the United States Defense

In addition, the US Department of Defense updated the "Chinese Military Enterprise" list on Wednesday, which lists the entity accused of cooperating with the Chinese military.The newly included companies include China ’s largest flash chip manufacturer Yangtze River Storage (YMTC), Chinese artificial intelligence company MEGVII, Lidar manufacturer Hesai Technology (HESAI), and technology company Dongfang Netb for Power (Netposa).wait.

For the named enterprises, although the list of this list does not mean that it immediately faces the US ban, it is inevitable that the reputation is damaged.The U.S. government also hopes to issue severe warnings to American entities and companies to remind them that there is risk of business with the above -mentioned companies.This list may also increase the pressure from the US Treasury's sanctions.

In response to the US moves, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington pointed out that the United States abused national power and violated its commitment to maintaining "market competition and international fair trade."