(Washington Reuters) Western security officials and people familiar with the matter revealed that in recent months, the US government has successfully destroyed the Chinese hacker network with key infrastructure in the West as the target.

The US Department of Justice and the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) obtained legal authorization, which remotely destroyed the actions of Chinese hackers.Special intelligence officials are concerned about the hacker organization called "Volt Typhoon". The attack targets include key infrastructure in Western countries such as naval ports, network service providers, and public business networks.

Three familiar people told Reuters that the "Typhoon Volt" was exposed in May last year. The hacker organization then expanded the scope of action at the end of the year and changed some techniques.

Hacker invasion can affect military operations that support the United States

Safety experts say that if hackers have successfully invaded the system, China will be able to remotely interfere with important facilities in the Indo -Pacific region, and these facilities will support US military operations in some form.Sources revealed that U.S. officials are also worried that Chinese hackers will be prepared to undermine the US military's response to China that may invade Taiwan.

Security researchers pointed out that "Volt Typhoon" can hide downstream attacks that can be launched by more sensitive targets by controlling digital devices that are vulnerable to attacks around the world, such as routers, modulators, and security cameras connected to the Internet by controlling digital devices around the world.

The long -range control system group, known as the "Botnet", will limit the surveillance vision of network defense.When an attacker wants to quickly attack multiple targets at the same time or try to hide its traces, this attack method is often used.

A former official official said: "Chinese hackers first control the camera or modem near the port or network service providers, and then use this as a stronghold to guide the invasion action to the real goal ...In terms of, it looks like a nearby ordinary local user. "

The US Department of Justice and the Federal Investigation Agency refused to comment on Reuters; the Chinese Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to the media inquiries.

Western countries first said that the "Volt Typhoon", which was funded by the Chinese government in May last year, was peeping at the key infrastructure of the United States. At that time, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuted, accusing the United States offered a "collective false information action" to China.The Five -Eye Alliance is an intelligence sharing alliance consisting of the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.

The Bayeng government is increasingly concerned about hackers, not only because they are worried that other countries may destroy the US November election through hackers, but also because American companies have been attacked by ransomware last year.Due to the extensive scope of hackers, the White House and a number of telecommunications and cloud computing companies held a series of conferences to ask these technology companies to assist in tracking the hackers' every move.