People familiar with the matter revealed that negotiations about Israel's resistance to Islamic Islamic Islamic resistance (Hamas) and the release of Hamas captive civilians are being advanced.A key step.

Bloomberg quoted an anonymous person who said that the negotiations were still in the initial stage and it is expected that a breakthrough will not be obtained in the next few days.Even so, they believe that this proposal may be successful, it is expected to achieve longer ceasefire and release more hostages.

A official who received a notification talks said that at Intellectuality and senior officials of the United States and Israel , after the framework reached an agreement on the weekend in Paris, Qatar made a suggestion to Hamas, including 45 days of shutdown war.In exchange for Hamas's release of all women, children and older Israelic hostages.

The official said that participating in the talks are now waiting for Hamas to respond to the proposal. The proposal has also planned follow -up arrangements, which may extend the ceasefire, and Hamas eventually releases its hostage of Israeli soldiers, andThe body of the dead during the imprisonment.

If the two parties in the Gaza Strip reached an agreement, the rescue supplies will be able to be transported to the Palestinian people who have relying on the United Nations rations for a long time for a long time.The photo was on October 16, 2008, and Palestinian children packed the food distributed by the United Nations in the United Nations near Eastern Palestinian refugee relief and engineering departments (UNRWA) in the southern Lathafama Camp in Gasha.(Agence France -Presse)

Wall Street Journal quoted the draft agreement provided by the participants, the agreement or divided into three stages was implemented.In the first stage, Israel will stop all military operations in the Gaza Strip, for six weeks, so that Hamas has time to gather the upcoming hostages.At this stage, the elders, patients and children are released. Palestinian civilians can move freely in Gaza, and rescue materials can be transported to all regions.

The second stage is that Hamas releases Israeli female soldiers. More rescue materials will be shipped into Gaza, and the agreement will ensure that the operation of the medical institution, water supply service and baking shops will be guaranteed.In the third stage, Hamas will release the body of male soldiers and surrender the hostages of death.The negotiator said that Hamas also demanded that it was still killed by the Baltani who was killed during the assault on October 7 last year.