At the time of Beijing and Manila on the South China Islands Reef, Vietnam and the Philippines agreed on Tuesday (January 30) that the coastal guards between the two countries will strengthen cooperation in the South China Sea.

Agence France -Presse reported that recently, there are two consecutive confrontations between Manila and Beijing vessels, especially around Renai Reef (the Philippines called Ayunjin Reef, Second Thomas Shoal).

The Philippine President President President President Markis signed two agreements with the Vietnamese government to agree to set up a communication hotline and set up a joint coastal guards committee to discuss common issues.

The Statement of the President's Office of the Philippines said: "Memorandum of understanding of maritime cooperation aims to strengthen understanding, mutual trust and confidence between the two parties."

China held military exercises in the South China Sea this month, and the United States and the Philippines also conducted joint exercises in the same sea area.

Before the exercise, China and the Philippines confronted each other in the nearby waters. The ships of both sides had collided, and Chinese ships sprayed water cannons at the Philippine vessels.

During the two -day visit, Vietnam also made a five -year trade commitment to provide up to 2 million metric tons of white rice to the Philippines to ensure that the Philippines "in climate change, epidemic and other external events"Influence" food safety.The price of rice soared to ten years last year.

Rice is the basic staple food of the Philippines, and the Philippines has always been one of the world's largest rice importers.According to official data, Vietnam rice accounts for 85 % of the Philippines imported rice.