The continuous influence of conflict between Israel and Hamas affects the Middle East.Warfire has spread from Gamen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, blooming around the Middle East.

Since November last year, .Military threats have led to the transportation volume of the Suez Canal this important international channel in the past two months.= _blank> Reduce 40 % .

The Middle East crisis is evolving towards large -scale conflicts.Is the United States and Iran who is directly fighting directly?

The Morning Post Podcast East Talking Westwest , listen to the host href = " yong-hong" rel = nofollow target = _blank> Han Yonghong and the professor of the political department of Taiwan Culture University, Wang Shunwen, analyzes the situation of the Middle East and the Red Sea.Essence

Wonderful fragment

Host Han Yonghong: Recently I saw a lot of reports in the West, and felt an anxiety from their tone.The edge of directly starting war.Do you think the United States has to be involved?

Professor Wang Shunwen, Professor of Political Department of Taiwan Culture University: After the crown disease epidemic, the whole international situation is full of uncertainty.In the case of certainty, the leaders of each country will be very worried.The approach of various countries is to prefer it to turn it into a regional conflict. Under the controlled range, the war of the agent will not want to upgrade to a comprehensive, or large -scale, or a large country and heel.A conflict between the great powers.

In this issue (click the bookmark in the player, you can jump to the corresponding chapter):

  • 01:45 Analysis of the four forces in the geopolitical structure of the Middle East
  • 11:29 What is the conflict of Harbin?
  • 17:10 World Multidity
  • 23:28 Meiyi is on the verge of war?

Looking at the world, monitor China's heartbeat, Discuss international hot topics every week and analyze international current political dynamics.At 7 pm Singapore time on Tuesday.