(Gaza / Geneva Comprehensive Television) According to reports, Hamas is considering the new proposal for Harbin Harbin Harbin includes six weeks of off -war in order to exchange hostages and allow rescue materials to enter Gasha.

Hamas officials told AFP on Wednesday (January 31) that Hamas leader Hania will go to Cairo, the capital of Egypt in the past two days to discuss the new ceasefire proposal led by Qatar and Egypt.

Hamas sources revealed that the relevant proposal includes three stages. The first is to stop the fire for six weeks to allow Harbin to exchange hostages;The Palestinian prisoner was released to Fang.

The content of the

The other two implementation stages of the ceasefire proposal is unknown.However, sources said that there will be "multiple rounds of negotiations on the evacuation of the Israeli Army", and there may be more hostage exchange agreements in the subsequent stage.The reconstruction of the Gaza area will also be one of the contents of the negotiations.

Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu has always insisted that he will not withdraw his troops from Gaza, and it also exclude that any agreement contains the release of "thousands of Palestinian" prisoners.

Neutanahu met the family members of the hostage on Wednesday that the ceasefire agreement with Hamas would endanger Israel's national security, and he would never agree.He also emphasized that the removal of the hard -line right -wing government he led was not considered a consideration for reaching a ceasefire agreement.

The diplomatic contact between the United States and Israel continues to be frequent.Neutana's relatives and strategic affairs ministers Delmer met with US National Security Consultant Sarawon on Wednesday.According to U.S. officials, Secretary of State Brillin will also mediate in the Middle East within a few days.

United Nations: Gaza needs 70 years to restore the economy

UNCTAD issued a report on Wednesday that the Gaza economy has been severely damaged by the war. Even if Gaza's war stops immediately, Gaza will take 70 years to return to the original economic level.


report pointed out that the conflict that lasted for nearly four months has led to Gada's GDP (GDP) of 24 %, and the per capita GDP per capita in 2023 decreased by 26.1 %.It estimates that if the war now is suspended and rebuilt now, calculated from the average annual growth rate of Gagsha from 2007 to 2022, its economy may not be restored until 2092 until the level before the conflict broke out in 2022.

Assume that the most ideal situation is that GDP GDP increases by 10 % each year, and its per capita GDP will still be able to return to 2006 in 2035.

UNCTAD pointed out that half of Gaza's buildings are now destroyed or destroyed, and the local area is now "inappropriate". It is estimated that it will take tens of billions of dollars.

WHO: Many people in Gaza will die from hunger

The World Health Organization Director of Sanitary Incident Ruian warned that many people in Gaza will die due to the resistance of humanitarian supplies, and the situation will become worse and worse.He said: "The people of Gaza were pushed to the edge of death. They were not the party of conflict, and they must protect them and local medical facilities.

Tan Desai, director of the World Health Organization, pointed out that only one rescue car is available in major hospitals in southern Gaza.He also said that the WHO was transported to that hospital on Tuesday. Unexpectedly, the truck was grabbed by the hungry people as soon as the food arrived.

UN Secretary -General Gutres emphasized on Wednesday that the United Nations Real East Palestinian refugee relief and Engineering Department (UNRWA) is the pillar of all humanity aid in Gaza.Paralyzed.

However, when Neutanahu met with the United Nations delegation in Jerusalem on the same day, it was said that UNRWA had been penetrated by Hamas. To solve the problem of Gaza, UNRWA must be replaced by other institutions.He said: "We hope to provide rescue from neutral and constructive institutions. Gasha needs such an institution, UNRWA is no longer suitable."