(French New Power in Washington) U.S. Secretary of State Brosky warned that if the United States does not provide new funds for Ukraine, Ukraine's results in the past two years may be put into the east, and this will give opponents a wrong message that the United States is not that the United States is not notCarefully defend freedom and democracy.

Brinken Monday (January 29) and the NATO Secretary -General Stetetenberg, who visited the United States, said, "Simply speaking, there is no funding, all the records made by Ukraine,And the results obtained with our help will be threatened. "

"Without additional funds, we will send a strong and wrong message to all opponents, that is, we are not seriously defending freedom and defending democracy.It's longer than Ukraine and us. "

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, the United States has provided Ukraine with billions of dollars in military aid, but the United States Republican lawmakers are increasingly unwilling to help Ukraine.For the new round of subsidies for the Bayeon government's $ 6.1 billion (about S $ 81.7 billion), Republican Members have been reluctant to pass, and asked the government to strengthen the immigration control of the US -Mexico border in exchange for the support of the aid support.

Stoltenberg: The purchase of US -made weapons aid is good for local workers

Stoltenberg's interview was to persuade the United States to assist Ukraine.He also said in an earlier interview with American TV news that the US aid of U.S. aid will be used to purchase US -made weapons, which is beneficial to American workers.He met with US members on Tuesday (30th).

Stoltenberg told reporters that Ukraine supports the security interests of countries."If Putin wins, it is not only the tragedy of the Ukrainians, but also makes the world more dangerous and makes us all unsafe. This will also encourage other authoritarian leaders, not only Putin, but also North Korea, Iran and China."

Stoltenberg also caught the emotions of many Republican members of the Republican councilor anti -China, saying: "Today is Ukraine, tomorrow may be Taiwan."

Ukraine's war is missing, and all parties are exhausted.The United States and NATO admit that the counterattacks launched by Ukraine last year were limited, but Stoltenberg said that in the long run, Ukraine has exceeded expectations and recapture half of Russia's capture of land."There is a saying to help Ukraine unparalleled, but they actually prove that the situation is opposite."