(Washington Composite Electric) After the U.S. military in Jordan suffered a fatal attack, the United States vowed to take "all necessary action" to protect the soldiers, but emphasized unintentionally to fight against Iran.

The U.S. base named "Tower 22" in the northeast of Jordan was attacked by drones on Sundays, causing three U.S. military to die and more than 40 people injured.The tensions in the Middle East are upgraded.The United States determined that the attack was launched by an armed group supported by Syria or Iraq.

When the US Minister of Defense Austin met with the NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg on Monday (January 29), he stated that he would not tolerate the attack on the US military and the United States would fight back.Secretary of State Brills said that the counterattack in the United States will be multi -faceted, staged and continuously advanced.

However, Biden government officials unanimously stated that they did not want the situation to deteriorate.Kobe, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said that the United States does not want to have a military conflict with Iran, and President Biden is studying the response options.

Singer Singh, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said: "Of course we will not seek war. Frankly, we don't think Iran wants to fight the United States."

The US military announced the identity of three killer.24 years old).(Reuters)

However, a source familiar with the US position revealed that Washington's response will be stronger than the recent retaliation operation of the Hussean armed forces.

Iran has denied that it involves it and said that Iran's responsibility "has no basis."It insists that the organizations that alliance with Iran are independent to respond to the "American Invaders" and do not accept Iran's instructions.

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According to U.S. officials and experts, the Biden government is weighing how to respond to ensure that the response is enough to deter Iran and agents, but it will not cause direct war with Tehran.

Senior Researcher Dimajio, a senior researcher at the Carnegie International Peace Foundation, believes that the most likely situation is that the United States crack down on Iranian goals related to Tehran without directly attacking Iran."If you directly attack the Iranian territory, it is likely to lead to the expansion of the war and endanger the hostages and suspension negotiations of conflict with Harbin."

The US Retirement National Security Counselor Spor said that the United States may crack down on the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards deployed in Syria, Iraq, or Yemen."They will definitely deal with Iranian soldiers. It is not difficult to master the whereabouts of these people."

Bloomberg Economist Dalo said: "The United States will be retaliated, which is quite certain. The question is whether Iran will endure it, or return to teeth. The risk is higher oil prices and the global economy may decline."

Preliminary investigation: The U.S. military misunderstands enemy drones and is negligible to prevent

The U.S. military announced the identity of the three killed in Jordan on Monday. They were Master Rivers (46 years old), Lydalus of Morfit (23), and Lyrotic Sanders (24 years old).

Preliminary investigations showed that a U.S. military drone returned to the base at the time of the incident. When the enemy aircraft appeared, the army mistakenly believed that it was also its own drone and was neglected.In addition, the attack occurred in the early morning, and most soldiers were still sleeping, which caused multiple casualties.

After the US forces in Jordan, the U.S. and coalition forces were also attacked by several rocket launchers on Monday on Monday, a base in northeastern Syria, but did not cause casualties.

The United States has about 900 soldiers in Syria and 2,500 in Iraq. These U.S. military associations with other countries formed an international coalition to jointly resist the threat of the ISIS of the ISIS.Since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict in October last year, the United States and Allied forces have been attacked at least 165 times, of which 66 were in Iraq, 98 times in Syria, and once in Jordan.

Due to the frequent attack of the U.S. military, and the U.S. warships in the Red Sea have also been attacked by Hassas recently, Bayeng faced increasing pressure in China and asked him to severely fight Iran, but Biden was worried that the conflict would beExpansion and unwilling to do it.