Indonesia's presidential candidate Plabovo's polls support the support rate of 20 percentage points, but to vote on February 14, you must win 50 % of the votes in one fell swoop.The other two candidates, former head of the Jakarta Special Economic Zone, Anis and former Governor Ganchal, the former governor of Central Java, although they were behind, they showed tenacious fighting spirit.If you cannot choose a round, vote in the second round, the backward two parties may join forces.Victory seems to be far away for Plabowo.

The closer the steps of the election, the more supporters of the three Indonesian presidential candidates shouting the slogan emotionally, and cheering for the candidate.One of the louder slogans, which is the "Sekali Putaran) supporters of Prabovo's supporters!

Especially from more than a month ago, after the support rate of Plaboor's support in polls was getting closer and 50 % of the threshold, the slogan of the "one round of selection" sounded every rally.Supporters Parabowo can vote in the first round.

According to the Indonesian election law, the presidential candidate must get half of the votes in the first round to be elected. Otherwise, the two candidates with the highest votes must have the second round of duel in June this year.

Because President Zoko, who was unable to seek re -election, was considered to be intended to establish a political dynasty, and his eldest son Gibland was qualified for the election and became the deputy of Plabowo through controversial channels, which caused social movement groups and knowledgeMolecular criticism.Although it is a triangle, the election campaign has almost evolved into a duel that supports or opposes Plabovo.

The Prabowo campaign team recently started to pass on the publicity to emphasize that the presidential election stopped in the first round. "It can create a more peaceful atmosphere and avoid extreme differentiation."For more than a week, Plabovo also repeatedly called on supporters at the campaign rally not to be stunned by the results of the polls, thinking that the winning coupons would not vote.

When Zoko responded to the media questions on January 24, he issued a statement of "presidential presidential election can be selected in the campaign", and then from the 26th to the work visit of Nikkin and Sino -Java for nearly a week.It is reported that this series of actions reflect that Zoko has sprinted for Plaboor's over half votes.

In contrast to the slogan of "Selection of One Round", the "Asal Bukan Prabowo" launched on the Internet, and recentThe slogan of Salam 4 Jari means that Anis, which election number 1 with the election number 1, and Gandhar with the number 3, that is, not to invest in Plabovo.

Whether this election campaign will enter the overtime, it cannot be seen from the recent polls.The survey results of the "IndiKator Politik" of the poll agencies from January 10th to 16th showed that the Plabovo and the Gilblan group led a lead with 48.55 % support.Gandchar and Ma Ford received 21.6 %.

However, the results released by another poll agency Point Indonesia on Wednesday (January 31) showed that the support rates of the three combinations of Plabovo, Anis and Gander were 52.9 %, 22.7 %, and 19.1 respectively%.

When the presidential candidate, the defense director Plabovo took a rally of Jakarta on January 26, he was surrounded by enthusiastic supporters and thanked his supporters.(Reuters)

According to the current situation, the observers speculate that the first round of voting cannot produce winners, and the possibility of elections must enter the second round.

Anis Gandhar For the second round, there is room for cooperation on the stage of the battle on the stage

The Political Researcher of the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency, Wasisto Raharjo Jati, was interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao. The second round of elections was beneficial to the two camps of Anis and Gambar, which are currently behind the polls.It may be possible to compete with Plaboovo.

Edbert Gani, a researcher at the Indonesian Strategy and International Research Center, said that the key lies in Anis and Gander, who can advance to the circle.

"Both people believe that they are aware of this opportunity, so they are cautiously dealt with their discussion and lock the key last seats. But they maintain transparency behind the scenes, discuss the second round of cooperation, and continue in front of the stage and continue to continue in front of the stage.Public confrontation "

The situation of this election campaign has continued.A year ago, Gandhar was led, and Anis was at the end of the list.Because Gambar was slow to open up the third route between Prabovo and Anis, which was distinctive in policy claims, so that after the campaign started, it was defeated.Anis added points by his performance in the candidate debate.

Liu Minli, a senior researcher at the Easov Isaev Isa East South Asian Research Institute, and the director of the Indonesian research project, said that when Anis and Gandhar joined forces in the future, the two sides jointly extended the election to the second round.One of them discussed the cooperation after being elected.

"Civil society and social movements oppose the president to help Plaboopvo and Giblan win with the unfair icon.A win -win plan, transcending narrow interests and striving for the best future for Indonesia. Such cooperation will not be an authoritative alliance or zero -sum game.

Staff clarify Anis to take a warm and tolerant route

Anis team "Joint Captain" and former chairman of the Indonesian Investment Coordination Bureau, Tang Lianwang, said that in the five years when Anis has served as the head of the Jakarta Special Administrative Region, there is no evidence that he has catered to any religion, ideology and policies.Extreme people.(Photo by Chen Yuanzhuang)

Anis staff responded to the outside world's approaching statement that the outside world had approached Anis and extreme Muslim organization, saying that he had adopted a gentle and inclusive policy at the Juggle Special Administrative Region.

Thomas Lembong, who represents Anis team, was interviewed by Lianhe Morning Post on January 25. When asked about the outside world may misunderstand that Annis's 2017 campaign of the Jakarta Special Administrative Region, he obtained the extreme Muslim organization's organization.Support, so he was pointed closer to the radical Muslim.

"However, if you look at Anis's five -year term in Jakarta, there is no evidence at all showing that he caters to any religion, ideology and policy extremes."

Anis campaign team compares himself to the football team, and Tang Lianwang is the team's joint captain.He said that the church permit issued by Anis was more than any of the chiefs in Jakarta's history.During the crown disease, JakartaThe SAR Government has also issued the same cash subsidy to each religious place.

Presidential candidate and former Chief of Jakarta Special Administrative Region Anis Wednesday (January 31) participated in a campaign rally in East Java, attracting a large number of supporters to support.(Reuters)

Tang Lianwang said: "I am a Chinese and Catholics. I told other ethnic minorities that those who can protect our rights best are people like Anis.The group has high credibility, and it is also obviously committed to reconciliation and tolerance.

Anis accepted the arrangement of the Indonesian Chinese Community Association (Komunitas Masyarakat Indonesia Tionngea (Komit) on January 29 to visit Jaca Chinatown and communicate with the Chinese society.Komit has expressed support for Anis last September.

Tang Lianwang served as the chairman of the Indonesian Investment Coordination Bureau, and served as Minister of Trade in Zoko Cabinet from 2015 to 2016.Some classic speeches of Zoko on international occasions are his handwriting.

Tang Lianwang said that the high -pressure election rhythm will make candidates show their nature.He believes that the people's sincere side of Anis and Mu Haimin is the reason why Anis rose from third to second in polls.

Ma Ford: Pursue integrity and just like young people

Gandchar's campaign partner Ma Ford officially resigned from the position of minister of politics, legal and security coordinating ministers on Thursday (February 1) to avoid conflicts of interest in campaigns and official duties.(Photo by Chen Yuanzhuang)

Even if the younger generation is different from the older generation of lifestyle, it also pays attention to the values ​​such as integrity and fairness.Gambar's campaign partner Ma Ford said he and young people had a political understanding.

The former minister was interviewed by Lianhe Morning Post on January 19, and talked about how to fight for more than half of the voters of voters.Ma Ford said that according to his exchanges between him and the younger generation on multiple dialogue occasions, young voters "clearly show the spirit and enthusiasm of maintaining the government's fairness, cleanliness, and not having a skirt relationship."

"They almost have the same political understanding as us ... they do pursue freedom and are not bound, but everyone's basic values ​​are the same -must have honest and clean government, and law enforcement must be fair and far away from corruption."

Ma Ford is not worried about another vice presidential candidate and the eldest son of President Zoko, as a younger face, it will be more appealing to young voters.

"I don't worry about young people's hearts will be captured by Giblan ... Because age is just a figure, vision, ideas, struggle and attitude firmly, these may be something young people will choose."

Presidential candidate, former governor of Central Java Gandhar, January 28th, participated in the rally to vote in Nikko City.His deputy partner Ma Ford is confident that they will be one of the two candidates who have entered the second round of voting.(Agence France -Presse)

When interviewed by Ma Ford, he also served as Minister of Political, Law and Security in Zako Cabinet.When it comes to many disputes around Zoko, Ma Ford said that he was still a cabinet member and was inconvenient to comment. He only said that "all Presidents in Indonesia always have controversy."

In order to avoid conflicts of interests in campaign and official duties, Ma Ford officially resigned from Zoko on Thursday (February 1).

Ma Ford with a distinctive image of anti -corruption also explains his views on this topic in the interview.He believes that half of the problems in Indonesia are related to law enforcement and corruption.

Ma Ford said that the phenomenon of corruption mainly occurs in the process of law enforcement, judicial corruption, and official transaction decisions. Therefore, once electedpossible.

He is confident that the election will enter the second round of voting duel, and Gandchar and he will be one of the two groups of candidates in the second round.As for the cooperation with other camps, Ma Ford said that there is no specific details in who cooperates with and in what form.

Indonesian Congress is expected to be a big reshuffle of Plabovo's party.

The Indonesian Parliament pattern is likely to reshuffle in this election. The GERINDRA leader led by Plabovo has bullish, directly threatening the leading position of Congress's largest party and struggle for the Democratic Party.

The Indonesian Parliament is called the People's Consultative Conference, the House of Commons is called the People's Congress, and the House of Commons is called a local council.This year's election will select 580 MPs and 152 House members.The political parties must get at least 4 % of the national votes in order to be qualified to obtain a seat in the house.The seats will be allocated at the voting rate.The House of Shang is composed of four members of each province. Candidates cannot be affiliated with any party.

The results of

Duoduo polls show that the support rate of the Great Indonesian Sports Party, which is currently ranked third in the number of seats, has narrowed the gap with the Democratic Party in the past few months.A survey from January 10th to 16th from the "political indicators" from polls showed that the support rate of the Democratic Party led by the former President Meijiati fell to 20.7 %, and the support rate of the Greater Indonesian Sports Party was 16.5 %.The poll results of another poll agency Charta Politika also showed that the gap between the two parties was also about 4 percentage points.

The Sea of ​​Jakarta's street flags flutter, and nearly 20 political parties will compete in 580 seats in parliamentary elections.(Photo by Chen Yuanzhuang)

However, other polls show that the Great Indonesian Sports Party has overtaken.The Institute of Public Opinion Institute (LSI) from January 10th to 11th showed that the support rate of the Greater Indonesian sports party reached 20.8 %, and the Democratic Party's support rate was 20.4 %.The Great Indonesian Sports Party has a leading lead in other polls of up to 3 percentage points.

The Democratic Party currently accounts for 128 seats (22.3 %) in the lower house of Congress, and 78 seats (13.6 %) of the Indonesian Movement Party.

Dr. Ian Wilson, a visiting researcher at the Indonesian Research Institute of Yusov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said that the next election will test whether the Democratic Party can still rely on the grassroots votes after the support of the president, Zoko,Overlord status.If the Great Indonesian Movement Party has become the largest party, the political pattern will change.

"The Great Indonesian Movement Party belongs to the right -wing nationalist route ... Once the rise may weaken the Democratic system with the Gorca Party and strengthen administrative power."