The people of Seoul have previously watched a missile launch on North Korea on TV.

On Sunday (January 28), the South Korean military said that North Korea launched several cruise missiles in the waters near its east coast.

In recent months, this communist country with nuclear weapons has repeatedly fired missile missiles, which has exacerbated regional tensions.

Sunday launch occurred at 8 am, near Xinpu Port.The number and type of missiles are not clear.

South Korea's Yonhap News Agency said that North Korea fired a new strategic cruise missile called "Rocket-3-31" (Pulhwasal-31 "on Wednesday.

The joint meeting of the Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said, "Our army has been closely coordinating with the United States to monitor other signs of North Korea's provocations."

In recent months, North Korean leader Kim Jong -un has become more and more aggressive in the policy direction and remarks. It has terminated several agreements aimed at maintaining peace and strengthened military operations.

Since early January, Pyongyang has claimed to shoot a new type of solid fuel missile and an underwater attack drone that can carry nuclear weapons.

image source, Rodong SHINMUN

In April last year, the official Korean media released these underwater attack drones that are said to carry nuclear weapons.

In the two years before, North Korea blatantly violated UN sanctions and carried out missile launch and weapon development almost every month.

Earlier this month, Kim Jong -un announced that the basic goal of reunited with South Korea has ended and set South Korea as "the main enemy".

This has aroused concerns about North Korea's preparation.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue told his cabinet this month that if North Korea provoked, South Korea "will retaliate with several times of power" and pointed out that the South Korean army has "overwhelming reaction ability".