South Korea ’s President Yin Xiyue has entered the Lord Youth Waotai in 2022, and his outstanding wife, Jin Jianxi, has continued.Some people even joked that if Yin Xiyue did not have Jin Jianxi, his wife, his support rate would not be so low.

As early as Yin Xiyue's election, Jin Jianxi's "Plagiarism" and "resume fraud" storm were fried.To this end, Jin Jianxi had to hold a press conference to apologize to the public and acknowledge that he had "exaggerated" his career.After Yin Xiyue was elected, Jin Jianxi's mother and daughter manipulated the stock price of a German car company and was involved in land speculation disputes near the Seoul to Yangping Highway, which also caused public doubts.

Recently, Jin Jianxi's old -fashioned affairs of the famous brand bags in 2022 came to the stage again. The ruling party was worried that the incident had an impact on the election of the Congress election in April, asking her to apologize to the public in the incident.Some people even compared her to the queen Mary, who was sent to the Barrier during the French Revolution in the 18th century, made the Yin Xiyue government face great political pressure.

In November 2023, the Voice of the South Korean News Channel Seoul with YouTube as a broadcasting platform released Jin Jianxi's next September 13, 2022 to collect a 3 million won (SAOC 3007) from a Korean American pastor (3007) from a Korean American pastor.Videos of CHRISTIAN DIOR.This incident was taken by the watch that was worn by the pastor.

Although the opposition party asked Yin Xiyue to explain this, the ruling party originally settled Jin Jianxi as a victim of the establishment of a bureau, and there was no need to respond to the matter.

As this film has recently circulated, the opposition party believes that Kim Jianxi was suspected of violating South Korea's anti -corruption law.The law stipulates that public officials and their spouses receive gifts must not exceed 1 million won at a time or must not exceed 3 million won each year.The opposition party has used this to make the first lady the focus of the election campaign.

The majority of the ruling parties believe that the problem of Jin Jianxi's brand -name bag has made the ruling party's already precarious Congress election election.Even though the brand -name bag incident is a trap, the first lady should apologize to the public for the collection of packaging. Even Yin Xiyue’s "confidante" and the first party of the ruling party, Han Dongxun, also said: "Although the other party is suspected of malicious sneak shot, the public’s concerns can be understood."A response"

Nearly 70 % of the people believe that Yin Xiyue should respond to the problem of brand -name bags.

According to the latest data from the well -known poll agencies, Gallop's latest data on January 26, President Yin Xiyue's support rate dropped to 31%and did not rose to 63%.Several reasons for this phenomenon are that he is dealing with economic and people's livelihood and inhibit the rise in prices (16%), lack of communication (11%), and Jin Jianxi's problems (9%).

Another poll results show that 69%of the Korean people believe that Yin Xiyue needs to show his position on the issue of Jin Jianxi's famous brand bag.

Faced with the pressure of public opinion, the Presidential Office is considering that Yin Xiyue explained the incident by receiving media interviews in the near future.

Less than 80 days before the South Korean parliament elections, the ruling party's seat in parliament did not have an advantage, and the election is becoming more and more difficult now.If the ruling party fails in the parliamentary elections in April, Yin Xiyue, who has three years of presidential term, may be in a state of "early lame duck".Relevant sources of the ruling party said that in order to appease the people's hearts, Yin Xiyue should apologize to the people.In particular, considering the sensitivity of voters in the capital circle for public opinion, Yin Xiyue's statement will have a significant impact on the election.

Jin Jianxi is 51 years old. In 2012, she married Yin Xiyue, who was 12 years old at the age of 40.Yin Xiyue has often expressed his love for his wife in public.It is said that love needs to pay the price, but the price of this love is a bit large to observe the past two years of Yin Xiyue.