(Washington Composite Electric) Former Governor Heili, the former governor of South Carolina, the former President Trump tried to get nominated by the Republican Party by "bullying". She also accused the Republican senior of the Republican party intentionally announced Trump as a candidate.

Heili has defeated in the primary election of Eva and New Hampshire, prompting Trump to adhere to the contest.Heili Sunday (January 28) said in the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) program: "He cannot be nominated by bullying."

She pointed out that the nomination process is still in the early stage, but Trump has put pressure on the Republican National Committee (RNC) to support him for RNC.She said: "You can't just do so based on the two states (results)."

Heili accused RNC accusing RNC shortly after voting in New Hampshire, the Republican Party's support and resources across the country were bet on Trump.

Last Tuesday (23rd) McDeniel President McD Daniel also stated to Fox News that the willingness of voters was very clear: "Republican Party must unite beside the final nominated candidate, and this person is Trump."

But Heili pointed out that there are still 48 states that have not yet voted. "Trump wants to promote RNC to declare in advance that he is a candidate as a cross -border."

Heili, who had served as a represented by the United States in the United Nations during Trump's appointment, stated that she would continue to run for the "Super Tuesday" at least March 5.At that time, voters in 16 states and territories in the United States have voted, and she believes that the general trend has been set.

The next primary election of the Republican Party will be held on February 24th in Nanda Ralanan, His hometown in Heili, but most local Republican members strongly support Trump. The polls also show that Trump may defeat over an overwhelming advantage with an overwhelming advantage.Hei Li.

But Heili shows that even if she fails in South Carolina, she may not withdraw from the election. She only needs to perform better than in NSW; Heili lost to Trump at a gap of 11 percentage points in New Hampshire to TrumpEssence

She said: "I have to show me at the moment of accumulation. I must show my performance in South Carolina. I don't have to win, but it must be better than my performance in NSW.Closer to (Trump's votes). "