(Washington Reuters) China and the United States held the first round of marine affairs negotiations. The United States emphasized that China was concerned about the "danger and illegal" behavior of China in the South China Sea, and China expressed "serious concerns" about the US military deployment in the United States.

Hong Liang, the director of the China Department of Foreign Affairs, Hong Liang, on Friday (November 3), coordinator of the Chinese Affairs Office of the United States State Council in Beijing to talk about the talks on marine affairs.

The U.S. State Department issued a statement saying that the talks were part of the efforts to "maintain open communication channels and handle US -China relations responsibly". The United States reiterated that it is necessary to restore military communication channels and "avoid misunderstandings and misjudgments."

Statement describes the discussion frank, substantial and constructive, and covering a series of marine topics, involved in the South China Sea and the East China Sea with sovereignty disputes in China and other countries.

Statement said: "The United States emphasizes concerns about China's danger and illegal behavior in the South China Sea."The United States refers to October 22 China Police obstructs Philippine ships inAyunjin Reef (China is called Renai Reef) performs supply tasks, and China "unsafe" to intercept a US military aircraft on October 24.

In response to the talks, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that both China and the United States exchanged their opinions frankly, in -depth, and constructive issues around the maritime situation, maritime security, marine economy and environment.The two parties emphasized that the dialogue and communication should be strengthened, the situation of the sea is controlled, and the misunderstanding of misunderstandings and discussing mutual benefit cooperation.

China elaborates on the policy position on the issue of sea -related issues, and "increased its regional military deployment in the United States, frequently conducts close reconnaissance against China, encouraged the support of the South China Sea (South China Sea) to express serious concerns."" ".China has urged the United States to "effectively respect China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights, stop involving regional national maritime disputes, and play a constructive role for regional peace and stability."

Since the United States shot down in February this year, After the suspected Chinese spy balloon Sino -US relations have deteriorated rapidly until China and the United States have restarted a series of foreign contacts in recent months. Most of these contacts were proposed by Washington.

China and the United States will hold a nuclear control talks this week

China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday (October 30) revealed that during the visit of the United States at the end of last month last month, Chinese and American businessmen will have to recent consultations on military control and anti -proliferation, and also held talks on topics such as marine affairs.

China and the United States will hold nuclear -control talks this week, which will be the first time since the former US President Obama administration. Generally, it is expected that US President Biden and Chinese officials will hold the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization in San Francisco this month.(APEC) At the summit.China has not yet confirmed whether Chinese officials attended the summit, and a U.S. officials said on Tuesday (October 31) that there are still important details that have not been finalized.