Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi said that Japan, the Philippines and the United States are cooperating to maintain the freedom of the South China Sea.

Reuters reported that Kishida Wenxiong, who was officially visited in the Philippines, said in a speech in the Philippine Parliament on Saturday (November 4): "Three -sided cooperation in the South China Sea to protect the freedom of the ocean is in progress."

He also said that Japan is willing to further deepen its strategic cooperation with the Philippines and continue to work to enhance the security forces of the Philippines.

Kishida Wenxiong arrived in Manila on Friday that he and the Philippine President Konatsu Macas had agreed to work closely with the United States and showed that both the Japanese and the Philippines believed that they tried to try to "in the East China Sea and the South China Sea"Unilateral power changes the status quo "is" unacceptable ".

Kishida Wenxiong and Marco also agreed to start negotiations between the mutual visit agreement of the army to strengthen military cooperation between the two countries.

Japan -Philippine's troops' mutual visits model will refer to the mutual visit agreement between the Philippines and the United States.According to this agreement, the United States deployed troops in the Philippines and continued to rotate. The soldiers mainly participated in training exercises.Only the United States and Australia and the Philippines have signed a mutual visit agreement with the Philippines.