Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Gao Yongguang

Russia and Ukraine fought in Bacht for more than nine months, and the two sides were suffering.However, Western news reports, the ratio of the Ukraine and the Russian army was about 1: 5 or 1: 7.

The price paid by the Russian army is obviously heavier than Ukraine.However, from the perspective of the two parties in the past few days, more than 90 % of Russia should have controlled Bacht, and Ukraine should still have a few troops in the final trenches.But without accident, Russia will eventually control this small city 89 kilometers away from Donetzk's Donett.

It is generally believed that Russia smashed heavy soldiers and capturing Bachmart is a "political" task without strategic height; because Bacht has no military strategic value, it is just a small city, not an important transportation hub, but alsoThere are no important materials for production; only more than 70,000 people were produced in salt, winemaking and a little gypsum ore. Bachmum had only more than 70,000 people before the war. It is said that only thousands of people are still in the city.It is a question if there is still a resident survival.

For Russia, for more than a year, the Western view believes that the Russian and Ukraine War will eventually fall off Russia, at least Putin has been trapped in mud.Therefore, Russia urgently need a "victory" to dan the morale, so he won the Pakhamt to have a political and effective effect on Russia.

On the other hand, Russia's senior generals have been extremely dissatisfied with the strategic tactics of Putin's troops. In order to prove that Putin has so far, there has been no mistake in the strategic tactics of the Ukrainian war.

Of course, the third statement is to attack Bachmart because the Russian mercenaries Wagner Group's head of Porigin, and Russian Defense Minister Shosh, the two in order to fight for the political influence in the Kremlin.Because the main force of attacking Bacht is the Vagina mercenaries, Porigjin has always wanted to prove that his warrior was more able to fight than the Russian regular army.In this way, Pritjin must maintain and consolidate his political status in Ku Palace.

For Ukraine, one more Russian army is dead, and Ukraine will earn, so the "dragging" Russian army is the tactical goal. The Ukraine defends Bacht for many days, which is the victory of Ukraine;According to Western military experts and media comments, they defended the Nortston Azk in Ukraine, but they won more time.It does not affect Krematorsk, the second line of defense from Russia to attack Russia's attack on the Nighton berests.Kn, attacking Claromosk, is difficult to prepare and sufficient in late spring.

From a strategic point of view, Russia wants to consolidate the Crimean Peninsula where Russia's Oceanic Peninsula is located, and comprehensively control the Udong four states currently held in their hands: Lukusk, Donedsk, Zapolo, andHermuson should be the first strategy.Before giving up Hermone City, it should be a "strategic retreat" and adheres to most of the Hermuson territory that has been controlled.

The area where Russia currently controls Donetsk is less than other Udong states, seizing Bachmart, attacking can be attacked, retreating can be defeated, if you can capture more territories or attack in DonetskDonetsk's capital Donetsk City, Bacht's win is a strategic goal, not just tactical tasks.

If the above speculation is true, the military conflict in the Wudong area, as Bachmart falls into the hands of Russia, may not be up soon!