U.S. Secretary of State Brosky urged Israel to temporarily stop the military offensive against the Gaza Strip in order to allow assistance to enter the Palestinian flying land, but Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu showed that before all Israelic hostages were released, temporary ceasefire was refused.

Reuters reports that the United States has always maintained strong support for Israel, but its remarks are gradually turning to increasing humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip, taking measures to avoid civilian death, and suspend the battle to help rescue the 240 detained by Hamas.Multiple hostages.

For the second time I arrived in Brinken in the Middle East within a month, on Friday (November 3), at a press conference in Traviv, He discussed with Neutanahu and Israeli Cabinet how to implement temporary ceasefire, and what understanding must be achieved.He said Washington understands that it takes time and the coordination of international partners.

Brinton's speech shows that there are still many symptoms that have not been resolved with Israel's discussion. He said: "We have raised some reasonable questions in today's discussion, including how to use the suspension period to maximize humanitarian assistance flow to the maximum extent.How to connect the suspension period with the release of hostages, how to ensure that these suspension periods or arrangements will not allow Hamas to take advantage. "

"These are the problems we urgently need to solve, we believe that it can be solved."

Nei Tanahu delivered a TV speech on Friday night that Israel will promote the war at full speed, rejecting temporary ceasefires that "have not involved the release of Israelis", and fuel is not allowed to enter the Gaza Strip.

Neitana said that Israel would not stop fighting until it won and achieved a set of targets, that is, the elimination of the Palestinian radical organization Hamas, the release of the detainee, and the restoration of the safety of Israeli citizens.He said that the Israeli Army is fighting fiercely, and the air strike for Hamas's target is "persistent and unprecedented."

Neitana said that he has elaborated the United States' position.

The UN General Assembly Emergency Special Meeting October 27 voted and approved the resolution submitted by Jordan on behalf of the Arab country on the current situation.The resolution called for a long -lasting humanitarian truce to promote stopping hostile operations.The resolution requires all parties to abide by international law and protect civilians, and call on Israel to revoke an emergency evacuation order in the north of the Gaza Strip and oppose forcibly migrating Palestinian civilians.The resolution reiterates that it should be based on the "two countries' plans" and seek fair and long -lasting solutions to the Pakistani conflict.