The State Department of the United States said that the United States and China on Friday (November 3) held a "frank" talks on maritime issues, including controversial South China Sea issues.The United States expressed concerns about China's "danger and illegal" behavior in the South China Sea.

Reuters reported that the US State Department issued a statement saying that Lambert, a coordinator of the State Council, and Hong Liang, the director of the Chinese Border and Marine Affairs Department, held talks in Beijing on Friday.

This talk is held after the US-Central and high-level diplomatic activities./A> U.S. President Biden and Chinese officials will meet at the San Francisco Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC) Summit next week.

The State Department of the United States said that this is part of the efforts of "the two sides maintain open communication channels and responsibilities to manage US -China relations." The United States has also reiterated that the restoration of bilateral military communication channels "to avoid poor communication and misjudgment."

Statement stated that the talks were frank, substantial and constructive, and covered a series of maritime issues, including controversial South China Sea and the East China Sea in China and other countries.

For October 22 And the "unsafe" intercepting the US aircraft incident on October 24, stating that "the United States is worried about China's danger and illegal behavior in the South China Sea."

China has not confirmed that Chinese officials will attend the APEC summit at San Francisco.