(Ottawa News) Chinese fighter aircraft fired a leverage in front of a Canadian military helicopter. The Canadian side accused the Chinese side of being unsafe, non -standard, and unprofessional, which may cause the helicopter to crash.

According to the United States CNN (CNN) reported on Thursday (November 2), the encounter of the China -Canada military aircraft occurred on Sunday (October 29), and the Canadian Navy "Ottawa"The Sikorsky Cyclone helicopter searched for a detected submarine about 23 miles (about 37 kilometers) about 23 miles (about 37 kilometers) at the time.The location of the Ottawa is the international waters of 100 miles east of the Xisha Islands (about 160 kilometers).

Colonel Maren, the Faceman of the Ottawa, said in an interview with the CNN reporter on the board of the ship that the Chinese Navy's J-11 fighter was only 100 feet (about 30 meters) from his helicopter.Although there have been several times when Chinese military aircraft and fixed -wing aircraft have occurred closely, it is rare to be close to helicopters.

When talking about the practice of the Chinese fighter fighter launching the lighting bomb, Millen said: "The risk of this pair of helicopters is that the lighting bomb may be involved in the helicopter propeller or engine. This is unsafe, non -standard, unprofessional behavior."

Earlier on the same day, China -Canada military planes also flew up close at a time.Merram was driving helicopters over the international waters 34 miles (about 55 kilometers) from the Xisha Islands at the time, and the Chinese F-11 fighter jet intercepted closely.The Canadian helicopter maintained a height of 3,000 feet (about 910 meters), and flew straight towards the Oktai to show that he had no hostility.

Millen said that the Chinese fighter aircraft was flying around his helicopter and getting closer and closer.The airflow from the fighter is also dangerous to the helicopter.

"The helicopter's rotor is easy to damage, so I definitely don't have it as practical as you."

After Millen, the height of the flight was reduced to 200 feet (about 60 meters), which was not good at fighter aircraft, and ended the confrontation situation.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Canadian military aircraft frequently approach China's airspace to implement reconnaissance activities

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Friday, and said that he did not master the relevant situation, and China "has repeatedly reached the implementation of the so -called reconnaissance activities on the implementation of the Canadian military aircraft frequently."

"I hope the Canadian party restricts his improper behavior and avoid further complication of the situation."

Three days after the encounter of the Sino -Canadian military aircraft, the Ottawa and the US destroyer "Peralta" launched a routine driving task in the Taiwan Strait on November 1.

Other dangerous interceptions have occurred in the past few weeks.On October 24th, a B-52 bomber that was in danger of the US military in the South China Sea was close to the US military. The distance between the two sides was only three meters and almost collided.On October 16th, the Chinese fighter aircraft intercepted Canadian patrol aircraft on the East China Sea and closely. The two sides were only five meters apart. The Chinese side later said that the Canadian party illegally invaded the lead and proposed to the Canadian side to negotiate.