(Washington Comprehensive News) The number of Chinese immigrants entering the United States from the US -Mexico border climbed to a new high, causing concerns of some people in the United States, and mixed spies in immigrants.

Data show that in the fiscal year of 2023 as of the end of September, officials of the US Customs and Border Protection Agency intercepted 24,080 Chinese citizens in the southern US -Mexico border, which is equivalent to more than 12 wealth of 1970 in 2022.Times.Compared with the 323 people during the period of strict implementation of the epidemic in China in 2021, it has surged 73 times.

Many of these immigrants enter the United States from the San Diego border after crossing the Darien Gap through Panama.

The official statistics of Panama Immigration, the Chinese are the fourth multi -group in this pass, behind Venezuela, Ecuador, and Hyaasal.

Report: U.S. Mixed Potential Chinese Spy in the Southern Border Management increased in the United States

The New York Post reported that this trend further highlighted the bad situation of the United States' control over the southern border, and also increased the potential Chinese spy mixed into the United States and hidden in general immigrants.

Guoan analyst at the Iris Institute of Independence of the United States, Grant, pointed out in the interview with news weekly: "That border (for immigrants) is obviously a big opportunity. Among those people, some want to live a better life here, butI think there are also some spies here, at least reporting to the country.

"Is it one person, 100 people, 1,000 people? We don't know, but we have to ask this question, and this fact itself is shocking."

Chinese immigrants are mostly associated with the Chinese government and the People's Liberation Army

The Chairman of the US House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Land and Safety Committee of the House of Representatives and Republican Republican Green have rang the alarm of Chinese immigration in the United States in June, saying that most of these people are men with the age of military service and are related to the Chinese government and the People's Liberation Army.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Land and Safety responded that the official will use the biometrics and background information of the US -Meto -border entryrs to identify potential terrorists or criminals and prevent them from mixing the United States.

However, Grant is still worried.She said: "We know that China is doing its best, and through all spy activities, we monitor our military and high -tech information ... We know that the Chinese government is not our friend, so the number of immigrants has risen sharply. I think it is definitely certainIt will bring potential national security risks. "