(Washington / Amman Comprehensive Electric) Israel and Hamas continue to worsen the humanitarian crisis caused by the continued fierce war.The United States continues to make diplomatic efforts to promote the protection of Gaza civilians and the release of hostages.

U.S. Secretary of State Brosakin went to Amman on Saturday (November 4), and representatives of the five countries and representatives of Palestine with the Five countries and representatives of the Five countries and representatives of Palestinian in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Egypt, to discuss how to alleviate the current crisis.

Before the meeting, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan took the lead in showing the position of the Arab countries, that is, Harbin immediately stopped fire, provided humanitarian rescue and managed to prevent the situation from worsening, so as to prevent security in the Middle East.

Prime Minister Qatar and Foreign Minister Muhammad pointed out at the meeting that Israel's continuous bombing of Gaza has made the parties persuade Hamas to release the hostages more complicated.

The US State Department issued a statement saying that Brinken also met with Lebanon Prime Minister Mikati on Saturday, which expressed "deep concerns" about the battle that occurred in southern Lebanon and the Israeli border.Brinken emphasized that it is important to ensure that the conflict of Harbin will not spread to other places is very important. He thanks Mika to the leadership role in preventing Lebanon from getting involved in fighting.

Blingken made a temporary suspension of ceasefire when he met with Israel Prime Minister Neyahu on Friday.However, his persuasion of Israel seems to have no effect.Neutanahu's attitude is tough and warns that there will be no "temporary ceasefire" unless Hamas releases hostages.

Brintken reiterated that Washington has long supported the establishment of Palestine, which is the only solution to ensure that Jews and Israel permanent peace.After visiting Jordan, he will visit Turkey for two days on Sunday.

A senior official in the White House revealed that the United States is promoting the negotiation of "very important" temporary ceasefire in Israel and Hamas, and strive to be released by the hostages held by Hamas.The senior official said to Agence France -Presse: "All parties are discussing this issue very seriously and actively, but so far they have not really reached an agreement."

He also said that no one knows how many hostages have been held up so far, and to let so many hostages evacuation "must be largely suspended that hostile operations are largely suspended."

According to Israeli officials, after launching an offensive on Israel last month, Hamas estimated that 240 Israeli and foreigners were taken hostages.

The UAE President's diplomatic consultant Gargash attended the meeting on Saturday at Abu Dhabi that the Harbin conflict showed that Israel's containment policy had failed.It has lost its influence.

Turk, a senior commissioner of Human Rights in the United Nations, said that after the resurgence of the Harbin conflict, he was deeply disgusted with "global hatred rising sharply".He strongly condemned the surge in anti -Jewie, Muslim phobia, and cases involving hatred comments.

He issued a statement saying: "The impact of this crisis has impacted every region, making the Palestinian and Jews lose humanity. We witnessed the sharp increase in hatred, violence and discrimination, and social division and polarization have been deepened ...Understanding the anxiety of Jews and Muslims, this makes me sad. "

The Army Cannon Bullets Concentrated Gaza Hospital Ambulance 15 Death 60 Injuries

On the other hand, a ambulance outside Gaza Castle Hospital was hit by the Isll of the Israeli army on Friday, which killed at least 15 people and was injured by 60 people.Gaza's Agence France -Presse Office and the French Cultural Center were also bombed.

The Israeli military said that the ambulance they attacked was used by Hamas to carry weapons, and the militants in the car were killed; but the Israeli Army did not provide evidence to explain it.Hamas refers to the talked of the Eui Army.

Agence France -Presse exploded on Thursday in Gaza's office, and the buildings were severely damaged, but fortunately, there were no personnel office at the time.Israel said that they attacked the goal of "nearby" of the office, not for Agence France -Presse.

According to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Cultural Center in Gaza was hit by Israel's shells a few days ago. Fortunately, no casualties were caused.The French government asked Israel to conduct a comprehensive investigation.

In order to allow the Palestinian people to accelerate the evacuation of the southern part of Gaza, the military announced on Saturday that a major fast road that opened Gaza allows Palestinians to drive.

The Israeli army posted by Arabic through social media: "If you care about the person you and you love, please obey our instructions and drive south."