(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen said the United States is seeking to promote trade and investment in the Indian Ocean -Pacific countries.She guarantees to Asian countries that the US policy for the United States will not lead to a disaster division of the global economy, thereby forcing Asian countries to choose a team.

Yellen Thursday (November 2nd) said at the Asia Society event, saying that "there is no basis" about "the United States is far away from the Indo -Pacific region".The Biden government is committed to promoting trade and investment with Indo -Pacific countries. The United States exports to nearly one -quarter of the world has flowed to Indo -Pacific, and the trade between the two parties has increased by 25%since 2019.

In recent years, Yellen has always attached importance to strengthening the relationship with Asian allies. In the past year, she has visited India, Vietnam, Japan and Indonesia.U.S. Secretary of State Brosky will also start Asia's visit next week.

Yellen pointed out that the Indo -Pacific region is "full of vitality and rapid development", allowing American companies to expand its business and create more employment opportunities. At the same time, it plays an important role in strengthening the security of the United States.beneficial.

Economic participation is also the key to strengthening the security of the US supply chain.Yellen reiterated the concept of "Friend-Shoring" and said that the United States is importing more products from major partners such as India, Vietnam and Mexico, and its dependence on China has gradually decreased.

She shows that the United States has no intention of decomposing with China, but hopes to achieve "de -risk and diversified" connection with China through investing in domestic manufacturing and strengthening the connection with Global allies and partners such as Indo -Pacific countries.Improve the elasticity of the supply chain and ensure that the United States does not rely on a single country over many critical investment.

She also said that if the world economy is completely split, or countries, including countries, are forced to stand, will have a significant negative impact on the world.interest".

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce responded to Yellen's remarks that China called on the United States to implement the commitment to unintentionally decoupling economic and trade in China and unintentionally obstructing China's economic development.

Chinese official Biden is expected to meet at APEC

The United States will hold the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit from November 11th to 17th.Yellen's speech before the summit aims to alleviate concerns from all walks of life caused by the current US -China relations.

In her speech, she made it clear that US -China relations are one of the most important relationships in the world. The United States understands that it needs to properly handle this relationship.The United States seeks cooperation with China to respond to global challenges from climate change to debt distress, but it will not compromise in the fields of national security.

She emphasized that the United States will take targeted and target national security actions.Recently, foreign investment restrictions are not designed to curb China's economic growth, but to protect the national interests of the United States, but also to respond properly on China's unfair economic behavior.

When the

APEC Summit is about to be held, the outside world pays great attention to whether Chinese officials and US President Biden can meet in the United States.According to US officials, officials of the two countries have reached a consensus on the meeting to meet in principle and are still finalizing the final details.

Cartler, deputy director of the Institute of Policy Research in the Asian Association, told reporters that nervous Sino -US relations will not be reversed overnight.However, over time, adopting moderate actions is beneficial to allow the two sides to build trust and may bring some mutual benefit.