Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and Philippine President Konatsu agreed to start negotiations on the military visits agreement to strengthen military cooperation between the two countries.

On Friday (November 3), I visited Manila's Kishida saying that he and Macatus had agreed to work closely with the United States and showed it in a way that did not name China."Unilaterally changing the status quo with power" is "unacceptable."

Kishida said at a press conference held with Marcos: "We also decided to negotiate on the military visits agreement and agree to further strengthen the cooperation of the three sides."

Macco said: "We know that this arrangement is good for our defense and military personnel and the peace and stability of maintaining the region."

The mutual visit of the Japanese -Philippine troops refer

Japan -Philippine's troops mutual visits mode will refer to the Philippine and the United States forces visiting agreement.According to this agreement, the United States deployed troops in the Philippines and continued to rotate. The soldiers mainly participated in training exercises.Only the United States and Australia and the Philippines have signed a mutual visit agreement with the Philippines.

Asahi Shimbun reported that if an agreement is reached, the Philippines will become the third country that is regarded by Japan after Australia and Britain.Japan and the Philippines are all allies in the United States. Japan hopes to push the cooperative relationship between the United States and Japan and the Philippines to the same level with the United States, Japan and South Korea with this interview.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), Kishida said with a talks with Macco: "Japan and the Philippines are all marine countries and are also strategic partners with common basic principles and values.We must continue to strengthen the rule of law. We look forward to strengthening cooperation to maintain and strengthen the free and open international order based on the United Nations, and ensure that the establishment of a world of human dignity is protected. "

Daily will provide 5.44 million yuan of funds to help the Philippines get coastal monitoring radar, etc.

In order to support the sea protection of the Philippines and strengthen security cooperation, the Japanese government will provide the Philippines with 600 million yen (approximately S $ 5.44 million) funds through the "government security capacity enhancement support" mechanism established earlier this year to assist Manila to obtain Manila to obtainCoastal monitoring radar and other equipment.

The day before the visit of Kishida, Mitsubishi Electric and the Ministry of National Defense delivered the first set of four sets of radar systems to the Philippines in accordance with the 2020 contract.This is the first time that Japan has transferred domestic defense equipment since its relaxation of national defense equipment export restrictions in 2014.

Kishida Wenxiong launched a three -day Philippines and Malaysia on Friday.Kishida was the first day to visit the Philippines since 2017.He will give a lecture on the Philippines Parliament on Saturday (4th), the first day to give a speech in the Philippines.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of friendly cooperation between Japan and the Asianianan. Kishida's visit can just be paved for the "Japan and Asian Security Special Summit" held in Tokyo in December.

Japan Economic News reported that while Kishida visited Fima, it would call for the maintenance and strengthening free and open international order of rule of law.The Japanese party judged that although China ’s economic influence in Asia’ s Danian has continued to expand, because the Asianian country is also dissatisfied with China ’s activities in the South China Sea, it will accept initiatives from Japan.