(Gaza Reuters) According to reports, Haraas The Gaza Strip fought for a long time.The Palestinian radical organization believes that it has the ability to prevent Israel from advancing and forcing the Fang to stop fire by consuming warfare.

According to Reuters, two insiders close to Hamas's leadership revealed that in order to last, Hamas has stored weapons, missiles, food and medical supplies.Hamas believes that thousands of combatants can survive in the tunnel cities in Gaza for several months and frustration through urban guerrilla tactics.

Hamas believes that as civilian casualties continue to increase, the international community will eventually pressure Israel to end the siege of Gaza.This may force Israel to stop and reach a solution through negotiations.This may allow Israel to make a substantial concession, such as release thousands of Palestinian prisoners to exchange hostages.

According to four Hamas officials, a regional official, and a White House sources, Hamas has been implemented to the United States and Israel through the indirect negotiations of Qatar's mediation.

Hamas has repeatedly spoken. Its long -term goal is to end Israel's 17 -year blockade of Gaza, prevent Israel from continuing to expand the settlement in the occupation area, and prevent the Fang Fang's frequent pressure on the Aksa Mosque.Since the beginning of this year, the Israeli police and the Palestinian people have conflicts many times in this mosque located in the old town of Jerusalem.

Expert: Hamas has formulated long -term plan before Israel

Qiad, an expert in Palestine International Affairs at the University of Qatar, pointed out that Hamas should have developed a longer -term plan before Hamas's large -scale raid on October 7.

He told Reuters: "From the perspective of the proficiency, professional level, accuracy and intensity of the raid operation on October 7, Hamas has been prepared for long -term battle. They cannot consider the consequences. There is no consequences.Start such an attack under the condition of full preparation and mobilization. "

The White House sources said that the United States expected that Hamas tried to drag the army into the predicament in Gaza's lane war, so that the number of damaged soldiers was so that even the people of Israel did not support continuing to continue fighting.

News: Israeli officials claim to be preparing to accompany Hamas guerrilla war

However, the source revealed that Israeli officials stated to the United States that they were preparing to accompany Hamas guerrilla warfare and reciprocal criticism of the international community.As for whether Israel is capable of eliminating Hamas, or it can only weaken this organization, it is still unknown.

According to Hamas sources, Hamas has about 40,000 soldiers, and a huge tunnel system has been built at the bottom of Gaza City.

Baraka, the person in charge of Hamas's foreign relations, said that Hamas's military capacity, especially missiles, has been greatly improved.He told Reuters: "In every battle, we will bring a new idea to Israel."

An official closely related to Lebanon's relationship said that the Gaza area has been violently bombed by the army for several weeks, but Hamas's combat effectiveness is basically complete.

The Lord and Hamas are allies.Officials from these two organizations have revealed that they and other regional allies supported by Iran have a joint military operation room in Lebanon.