(Washington Composite) The Bayeng government announced that it will formulate strategies to crack down on domestic "Islamophobia".The conflict of Harbin has caused the tension in the United States to intensify, and President Biden's support for Israel has caused many Muslims in the United States.

The White House spokesman Jean-Pierre issued a statement on Wednesday (November 1) that President Biden believes that there is no hatred for anyone in the United States, but for a long timePeople such as Arabs and Sikhs have suffered incurable attacks and other discrimination incidents.

Pipiel said that the US government will set up a cross-departmental group for this to seek how to strengthen and better coordinate to combat Muslim phobia, anti-Jewie, and other aspects of prejudice and discrimination in China.

Bynden government has previously launched a plan to combat national anti -Jewie in May this year.

Earlier, the White House had warned that since the conflict of the U.S., the anti -Jewish incident in the American campus surged.Agence France -Presse reported that a student at Cornell University in the United States made a threatened speech on the Internet and controlled in the New York court on Wednesday.If the crime is established, he will face a fine of five years and a fine of 250,000 US dollars (about 340,000 yuan).

The Ministry of Justice said that 21 -year -old Patrick Dai was arrested on Tuesday (October 31) because he was suspected of publishing comments on the Internet to kill Jews on the Internet and threatened to have a meal on the campus.Fire in the restaurant.

The New York Post reported that Dai Jiayu's father insisted that his son was innocent.He said in a text message sent to the media: "My son suffers from severe depression. Due to the depression, he cannot control his emotions well." He insisted that his son would not publish anti -Semitic posts, but he believed that he believed thatIts depression has some connection with this case.

Last month, a six -year -old Palestinian American boy was stabbed to death in the outskirts of Chicago. The boy's mother was also stabbed. The 71 -year -old man who was murderer was charged with hate.The U.S. police believe that the incident is related to the conflict of Eha.

The Minister of Justice Garland emphasized at a online forum that pays attention to hate crimes that the Ministry of Justice cannot tolerate the threat of violence that anti -Jewish or Muslims phobia is promoted.

The Harbin conflict made the Muslim in the United States worry that there would be a hostile atmosphere similar to the 2001 terrorist attack in 2001.Biden's support for Israel has attracted criticism from Bulletin and Arab Americans, accusing him of the suffering of the Palestinian civilians in the Garhaz Strip.

A poll in the American Institute of Arabia shows that many Arab American voters have not supported Biden, and his support rate has dropped from 59 % in 2020 to 17 %.

Since the new round of Harbin Harbin, Biden said many times that the United States has firmly supported Israel.The Biden government has asked Congress to appropriation to provide $ 14.3 billion in military assistance to Israel.