(Beijing / Washington Composite Electric) Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, confirmed that China and the United States will hold nuclear control talks next week.

Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Thursday (November 2nd) that China and the United States will negotiate at the company's level in Washington in Washington next week on military control and preventing nuclear diffusion.He said: "The two sides will communicate on a series of topics."

The Wall Street Journal reports that China has agreed to conduct nuclear control talks with the United States next Monday (6th), which will be the first time since the former Obama administration.

It is reported that the US negotiating representatives are the assistant Secretary of State Stewart, who is responsible for military control affairs, and China sent Sun Xiaobo, the director of the Ministry of Military Control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.As for the time and form of the talks, the US State Department and the Chinese Embassy in the United States have not responded to the relevant inquiries.

It is reported that the purpose of this low -level talks is not to reduce the scale of China's nuclear arsenal, but to allow the Bayeng government to better understand China's planning.

The U.S. Department of Defense released the annual China military report last month, saying that China's nuclear arsenal has expanded faster than expected. At present, it has more than 500 nuclear warheads that can be used for combat, and will increase to more than 1,000 by 2030.At the time, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the US report "ignored the facts and was full of prejudice" and spread the "Chinese threat theory", the purpose was to find excuses for maintaining military hegemony.

Kim Bolg, executive director of the Washington Military Reserve Control Association, pointed out that Sino -US arms negotiations next week may focus on strengthening the transparency of the nuclear theory of the two countries and establishing more effective crisis communication channels.However, all parties should not expect that China and the United States can make breakthroughs on military control issues in the short term because it takes time and concessions to each other.

This talk arrangement is that China -US leaders are ready to meet in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit held in San Francisco more than a week later, and also shows that the two countries are gradually restoring a series of exchanges.Since the United States shot down in February this year, it is suspected of Chinese and American relations have deteriorated rapidly until recent months in recent monthsOnly a series of foreign contacts were restarted. Most of these contacts were proposed by Washington.

China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday (October 30) revealed that while Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi visited the United States last week, Chinese and American businessmen will have recently conducted consultations on military control and prevention.

The United States is trying to avoid the three -party nuclear arms race with China and Russia. The new reduction of strategic weapon treaties between the United States and Russia will expire in 2026. The negotiations of extending the treaty are currently in a pause due to the Russian and Ukraine War.

U.S. National Security Consultant Sarawan said in June that the Bayeng government was preparing to contact Russia on the issue of nuclear military control, but the expansion of the Chinese nuclear arsenal complicated the relevant efforts.of.He pointed out that China plans to have as many as 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035, which is "one of the largest nuclear sets in the peaceful period in history."There are currently about 3700 nuclear warheads in the United States.