(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Intellectuals revealed that after US and Israeli officials have discussed the future prospects of the future of the army to eradicate the Palestinian radical Hamas, including the establishment of a UN support, and the Arab government participated in the participation of the Arab government participatingInterim government.

It is revealed that the current discussion is still in the initial stage, and it depends on the development of the incident, especially whether the ground offensive of the military is successful.In addition, any plan must be supported by the Middle East Arab countries.

Israel repeatedly emphasized that it did not want to occupy Gaza, but it shows that from Hamas, on October 7, After launching a raid against Israel , this Palestinian radical organization will no longer be allowed to continue to control Gaza.

The United States is worried that Israel has not carefully measured the possible consequences of mobilizing the ground offensive on the ground to launch the ground offensive, so that the conflict overflows more in the Middle East.

Former analysts of the US -China Intelligence Bureau: The task of establishing an interim government in Gasha is arduous

The former Middle East Analyst William Usher, the former CIA, believes that it is a difficult task to establish an interim government in Gaza, and there is a huge challenge to fight for the support of the Arab government.

However, Israeli officials revealed that Israel plans to cut off the connection with the Gaza Strip after the war with Hamas.

Israeli Defense Secretary Garrant on Friday (October 20) explained the government's strategic goals to Congress Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission that once the war with Hamas ended, Israel will no longer "be responsible for the life of the Gaza Strip's life."" ".

Garrant pointed out that the war will be carried out in three stages and will eventually create a "new security environment" for Israeli citizens.He emphasized that the continuous bombing of the Gaza Strip at this stage is to "eliminate terrorists and destroy the infrastructure of Hamas."

Another Israeli official revealed that Israel will not participate in the solution to provide a job for the people of Gaza. The transit point from Gaza to Israel before the war will not be reopened after the war.All will end.

Ripid, the leader of the Israeli opposition party, suggested that Gasha's control is returned to Palestine's power institutions.After Hamas won the control in 2006, he took over Gaza's control every other year.

However, the government officials of Biden have always avoided public discussions on the arrangement of Gaza's future leadership.The White House National Security Counselor Shalvan said in an interview with the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) last Sunday (15th) that Gaza's future power institutions should ensure that the people enjoy peace and security."What will happen in the future, this is not allowed to decide, but this is a problem that we must think now, because we must find a long -term plan, not just solve the problem in front of you."