(Washington Composite Electric) According to the latest assessment of the Pentagon of the United States, China has continued to vigorously achieve the modernization, diversification and expansion of nuclear arsenal. At present, there are more than 500 nuclear warheads that can be put into use, which may exceed 1,000 by 2030.

The annual Chinese military report issued by the US Department of Defense on Thursday (October 19) made the above estimates, stating that the growth rate of the Chinese nuclear arsenal may exceed expectations.The report released last year estimates that China has more than 400 nuclear warheads. By 2030, there will be 1,000, and about 1,500 will be in 2035.

A senior US defense official said: "They are expanding and investing in land -based, sea -based, and air -based nuclear carrying platforms, and supporting infrastructure required for large -scale expansion of their nuclear forces."

"We are not trying to suggest that they have a big bias with the expectations in the report last year, but we think they may exceed the previous predictions."

Last year or three missile launcher, it contained more than 300 intercontinental missile launchers

However, despite the increasing number of nuclear weapons in China, this is still much lower than the number of Russia and the United States.According to the estimation of the U.S. Scientist Federation, there are about 3,700 nuclear warheads owned by the United States, of which about 1,419 strategic nuclear warheads deployed; Russia's nuclear arsenal has 4,489 nuclear warheads, and about 1550 were deployed.

In addition, the Chinese Navy currently has more than 370 ships and submarines, which is much more than last year's 340 ships, maintaining the status of the largest navy in the world.

The report said that by 2035, China will continue to make military expansion and modernization efforts to achieve the goal of Chinese officials to make the PLA a world -class army by 2049.


Report also pointed out that China is likely to complete the construction of three missile launch fields in 2022.These launch fields contain at least 300 launch wells that can launch intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM).The United States further evaluated that some launch wells have been loaded with missiles.

The report said that the Chinese army is also fully developing its missile power, and "may be exploring the development of conventional armed intercontinental missile systems.""This ability will make China threatened and make routine strikes on the goals of mainland, Hawaii and Alaska."

China: Adhere to the "Not First Use" nuclear weapons commitment

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said in response to the report on Friday (20th), "the United States spreads 'Chinese threat theory', the purpose is to make excuses for maintaining military hegemony." She said that China firmly pursues self -defense defense defense"As long as any country is used or threatened to use nuclear weapons, no country will not be threatened by Chinese nuclear weapons."

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, also said: "We adhere to the promise of the 'nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances, and use it unconditionally to use nuclear weapons for use or threatened by nuclear weapons and non -nuclear weapons areas."

But US officials claim that they are cautious about China's commitment, including whether Beijing is willing to abide by the "not first use" policy.

Senior US defense officials said: "We have not seen any signs that they will officially change this." He added, "We have seen many signs that in some cases they may judge this pointNot applicable. "