(Cairo Comprehensive Electric) Arab national leaders condemned Israel for two weeks to bomb Gaza at the Cairo Peace Summit, and called for a decades of violent cycle between Palestine and Israel for decades.

The Heping Summit, which was rushed to be held on Saturday (October 21), was held in Cairo, Egypt.Participants include leaders of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Palestine, Italy, Spain and other countries.Israel's closest ally, the United States only sent the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to the meeting.None of German Chancellor, Choierz, British Prime Minister Sunak, and French President Macron did not attend.

The absence of heavyweight leaders in Western countries has reduced the expectations of the outside world to the summit.Before the meeting, three diplomats revealed that the summit was expected to be difficult to issue a joint statement because any ceasefire appealed was sensitive, and it was difficult to consensus whether Hamas had to attack Israel and Israel's self -defense rights in the statement.

King Abdullah II of Jordan condemned the world at the summit to remain silent against Israel's attack on Gaza, and called for a fair look at the conflict of Yha.He said: "The information heard by the Arab world is that the lives of the Palestinian people are not as important as the Israelites' lives." He pointed out that according to international law, forcing the outfitting displacement is the crime of war. For the Arab countries, this is an insurmountable bottom line.

Palestinian President Abbas stated that the Palestinians would not leave their land.He also insisted on the "two -country plan" and wanted Israel to end the occupation of Palestinian territory.

以色列和哈马斯10月7日爆发冲突,两During the week, civilian casualties rose sharply, and the Gaza Strip, which was constantly being attacked, was facing an increasingly severe humanitarian crisis.

UN Secretary -General Gutres urges Israel and Hamas to achieve "humanitarian ceasefire" at the summit, and call on the world to "take action to end this terrible nightmare."He said that the 2.4 million Barrstein people in Gasha are experiencing "a humanitarian disaster" and thousands of people have died, and more than 1 million people have been displaced.

The first batch of rescue trucks entered the south of Gaza from Egypt before the opening of the summit. The United Nations said that the local situation is deteriorating, and about 100 trucks are required to send rescue supplies every day.Gutres pointed out that the scale of rescue must expand rapidly and provide more assistance.