(Gaza / Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israel opened for the first time on Saturday (October 21) on Saturday (October 21).Close the port quickly.

20 trucks containing food and medical supplies such as food and medical products enter the Gaza Strip from the Egypt side of the Rafah port on Saturday morning.The Egyptian TV station broadcast the screen from the transit point to Gaza on the same day.This is the first batch of aid supplies that have entered Gasha since the outbreak of Harbin conflict.

Satellite images show that the team with assistance supplies is on Friday (October 20) to stop at the side of the La Fa Port Egypt to prepare for customs clearance.(Reuters)

The United Nations said that these assistance materials will be transferred to the Palestinian Red Crescent Fair and they are distributed to various hospitals in Gaza.However, Israel emphasized that these supplies will only be sent to the southern part of Gaza.Israel showed that assistance materials transported through the Pharaok port could not fall into Hamas.

Hamas requires long -term open Lafafa ports and allows all necessary materials to enter the Gaza Strip.The Gaza Health controlled by Hamas issued a statement saying that the first batch of assistance materials waiting for many days did not include fuel, which caused the lives of the patients and wounded to be in danger, and called on the international community to immediately allow fuel to enter Gasha.

The Gaza Strip was completely blocked by the Evil, and it had been cut off for hydropower and food for more than a week.Humanitarian workers warn that 20 truck supplies are far less enough to meet local humanitarian needs.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings welcomes the supplies of Gaza, who is in a humanitarian crisis, and he calls on all parties to ensure that the La Fa port is open.

Griffis, deputy secretary -general of the United Nations in charge of humanitarian affairs, said that I believe that this transportation is the beginning of the sustainable efforts of providing basic materials to the Gaza Strip. The first batch of teams must not be the last batch.

Europe and the United States condemned Hamas in the White House

On the other hand, American President Biden at the White House, Michelle, Chairman of the European Council, and the Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin condemned Hamas to launch an attack in all parts of Israel and reiterated that Israel had the right to haveSelf -defense.

The last formal summit was held in June 2021, eight months before the Ukrainian war.Michelle said that the world is now facing huge challenges, and the European Union, which is more powerful than ever before, needs to deal with these challenges.

Three leaders issued a joint statement on the same day to pay attention to the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, while emphasizing the importance of protecting civilians from harm.They also called for immediately to release all hostages and reiterate the only way out of the "two countries' programs" to solve the problem of the Pakistana.

600 citizens in the United States stay in Gaza

According to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, there are still about 600 U.S. citizens who stay in the sand zone.In the interview, they stated that they wanted to escape Gaza, but they were not helped by the US government.

The Americans who were trapped in Gasha revealed that they had contacted the US State Department and found that the officials listed the evacuation options for American citizens who were trapped in Israel, but they did not provide much help to citizens who stayed in Gasha.

Palestinian American American American American, who took his family to the Paleka border port of Gasha border, told the NBC: "The United States has no, Bayeng has no, and the embassy has not helped us.We rescued it, but there was no movement at all. All people in Israel have begun to evacuate, why did we not yet? "

Another American woman, another American woman who visited Gaza, who visited Gaza in Gaza, believes that the US government holds a "dual standard" against citizens who are trapped in Israel and Gaza.

However, the US State Department emphasized that Gaza's security situation is very different from Israel.A spokesman for the State Council told the National Broadcasting Corporation Business Channel (CNBC) that Gaza was turbulent because of the continued intersection of the military and Hamas, and it was a difficult task to arranging the local American withdrawal.Officially suggested that they move as much as possible to the Lafa border port, because the port "may not be notified before opening, and the opening time is limited."

But for the U.S. government's suggestions, Americans who are trapped in Gaza believe that "it has no help at all."They pointed out that Israeli also launched an air strike on Lafa Port, and it was extremely dangerous to move to the local area and even "impossible."