Israeli Prime Minister Neitarhu's office on Friday (October 20) said that the Palestinian radical organization Hamas released two hostages.

Comprehensive Reuters and Xinhua News Agency reported that the release of Judith Raanan and Natalie Raanan, the release of Judith Raanan, were released as mothers and daughters.He was held in the south.

U.S. President Biden thanked Qatar and Israel to ensure that La Ainan's mother and daughter expressed their gratitude.Neutana said that he would never give up to fight for all the hostages. "At the same time, we will continue to fight until the victory."

The Israeli National Defense Force greeted two release hostages at the Gaza Belt, and sent them to a military base in central Israel to reunite with family members waiting there.

According to a statement issued by the Hamas armed faction Kasan Brigade on Friday night, with Qatar's mediation efforts, the Cassan brigade decided to release two detained Americans for humanitarian considerations.

US media reports that 59 -year -old Judis Lamanan and 17 -year -old Natali from the outskirts of Chicago, Illinois, USA. They went to the Kibuz collective community in Israel in September to celebrate Jewish festivals and Na.Talie's grandmother's 85th birthday.The Kibbuts collective community is only one mile from the Gaza Strip.

The White House said that President Biden had passed the phone with Laaanan's mother and daughter, and he promised that the US government would support them to help them get out of this terrible experience.

Release more hostage negotiations continuously

A source who understands the release of hostage negotiations said that the release of Laaanan mother and daughter is "the first step, and the negotiations that strive to release more hostages are continuing."

U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that 11 Americans have still fallen unknown since the attack of Hamas on October 7.

Hamas on October 7 Most of them are civilians, and about 200 hostages have been taken away by Hamas.The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that the Israeli air strikes of the Gaza Strip have died at least 4,137 Palestinians, including hundreds of children, and another 13,000 people were injured.