Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov called on North Korea, China and Russia to hold three -sided security talks on a regular basis to resist the "dangerous policy" in the United States, Japan and South Korea.

Russia Tas Society reported on Friday (October 20) that Lavrov said in an interview in Pyongyang: "We agree with the security issues of the Korean Peninsula regularly maintaining unconditional dialogue.The strategic infrastructure in nuclear, these are very concerned about us and North Korean friends. "

He said: "We oppose this non -constructive and dangerous policy."

Lavrov went to China with President Putin earlier this week to participate in the "Belt and Road" forum. After that, he sequel Pyongyang and held talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un on Thursday.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, Lavrov told Kim Jong -un: "President Putin asked me to convey all the preparations for the performance of the performance (the summit talks). Related work has begun.

Analysis pointed out that Kim Jong -un visited Russia in September and met with Putin and promised to cooperate in the military, political and economic fields. Putin decided to visit North Korea at the invitation of Kim Jong -un.The Raifrov's visit to the North Korea is likely to also discuss Putin's return.

DPRK China reported that when Kim Jong -un met with Lavrov, North Korea would faithfully fulfill the agreement reached by the Russian head talks, while building a century -old plan for a stable, future -oriented new era.Experts believe that future North Korea -Russia cooperation will play an important role in North Korea's economic development.

The Central China Society also reported a talks with Lavrov and North Korean Foreign Minister Cui Shanji.

It is reported that North Korea and Russia have raised the relationship between the two countries to a higher stage and actively promoted cooperation in various fields such as economics, culture, and advanced technology.The two sides also strengthened common action exchange opinions and reached consensus on the situation in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

South Korea ’s Central Daily pointed out that the“ advanced technology ”discussed in the talks of Russia’ s Foreign Ministers may refer to new weapons technology transferred to North Korea by reconnaissance satellites and nuclear submarines to North Korea.Economic cooperation may solve the problem of North Korea's food crisis and energy shortage.

It is worth noting that after the talks, North Russia also signed the exchange plan from 2024 to 2025.

Professor Lin Yi, a professor at the Institute of Far East of Qingnan University, believes that this reflects that the heads of the North Russia have hoped that in 2025, they can achieve substantial and visible results in multiple fields.The plan seems to take into account the five -year schedule of the National Economic Development Plan for the National Economic Development of the United States and the end of 2025. In the future, North Korea and Russia will play an important role in the goal of achieving the national economic development plan."