(Washington Comprehensive News) The conflict with Haha has not only caused demonstrations around the world, but also caused division in the United States.Many wealthy powers and nobles have clearly expressed their support for the university to support the university by canceling the sponsorship of the US universities for millions of dollars.

According to the Financial Times report, the US billionaires born in the Jewish family, such as the founder of Leslie Wexner, the founder of the Apollo Global Management Company, the founder of the Apollo Global Management Corporation of Apollo Global Management Company, and the founder of Bathbody Works.The university condemns Hamas and anti -Jewie.

In addition, on the day of the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, more than 30 student groups in Harvard University in the United States issued an open letter in social media, saying that Israel should "bear full responsibility" for the death of Hamas, which caused more than a thousand people to die.Great rebound.

Dedicated Harvard Colombia Graduate's appointment was withdrawn

The U.S. David Law Firm revealed that it had withdrawn from the work invitation from three Harvard and Columbia University Law School, because the views expressed by their pro -Palestinian remarks "directly violated the value system of our firm"" ".

Under these pressures, some universities have revised their previous statements and made more clearly.

Magil, president of the University of Pennsylvania, Magil, said on Tuesday (October 17): "The University of Pennsylvania firmly opposes Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel, and also opposes anti -Jewie."Show our position. "

However, her statement may be one step late, Ronald Lauder, Honorary Chairman of Estee Lauder, and Magman, the venture capitalist Magman, said that they would withdraw funding.Although the President of Blackstone, Gray stated that he would continue to donate, but he also emphasized that these donors put forward reasonable concerns about "hate remarks pretending to be free speech", saying that "it is important to stand up by university leaders." Israeli billionaire OFel last week because he was dissatisfied with Harvard's leadership "lack of clear evidence to support the people of Israel ... plus they were obviously unwilling to admit that Hamas was a terrorist organization", he decided to withdraw from Harvard Kennedy University.Executive board of the college.

These actions highlight the influence of donors. Last year, they donated a total of $ 60 billion (about S $ 82.3 billion) to US universities last year.

Some universities choose to defend academic freedom insist on political neutrality

On the other hand, some other universities in the United States, including the University of Northern Carolina University, and freedom of speech, choose the principles proposed by the "Kalvin Report" published by the University of Chicago in 1967, that is, the university should commit toIn academic freedom, and insist on "maintaining neutrality on political and social issues."

Rose, the person in charge of the Human Rights Observation Organization Organization, also supported this principle.He believes that the university management department should not issue a statement about the world incident, because this will only allow the university to face the pressure from the donor, and "their job should be to defend the academic freedom of the campus", and at the same time ensure that students are exempt from violence, and students are exempted from violence, and students are exempted from violence.Through intimidation and harassment.