(Washington Composite Television) The White House on Friday (October 20), the White House required Congress to allocate $ 106 billion in funds to provide funds for the tasks such as Israel and Ukraine.In order to ease the Gagar crisis, Egypt was urgently held the Cairo Peace Summit on Saturday (21st), and 31 countries and three international organizations confirmed to go to the meeting.

It is understood that the White House required to allocate nearly $ 106 billion (about S $ 145.4 billion) to fund Ukraine and Israel about $ 60 billion and about $ 14 billion.This budget also includes about $ 10 billion for humanitarian assistance, about $ 14 billion for US border security, and about $ 7 billion in the Indo -Pacific region.

Bayeng said to the American people on Thursday (19th) at the White House Oval Office that he would submit emergency budget requirements to Congress on the 20th to support Israel and Ukraine.He pointed out: We are at a turning point of history, and our decision today will be about the development of the next decades.

Biden: Hamas and Putin want to completely eliminate neighboring democratic countries

In his speech, Biden talked to the Islamic Islamic Islamic Islamic Islamic Anti -Movement (Hamas) and Russian President Putin at the same time, saying that they represent different threats, but there was one thing in common: they all wanted to completely eliminate the neighboring democratic countries.

He said: History shows that when terrorists do not pay the price for terrorist acts, when the dictator does not pay the aggression, it will cause more chaos, death and destruction, and the costs and threats facing the world will continue to increase.

He pointed out that if Putin does not stop Putin, he may threaten NATO allies such as Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.He said: We will defend every inch of NATO.

He also reminded Israel not to repeat the mistakes after the United States after the September 11 incident, and he said that the United States was blinded at the time.Biden obviously refers to the long -term war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Biden was also worried that domestic hatred of hatred in the United States rose. He mentioned that Six -year -old Palestinian boy was killed .

Russia: The United States actually wants to benefit from the agent's war

Regarding Biden's speech, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zahalova responded that Biden said that support for Ukraine and Israel was investment, showing that the United States had claimed to be free and democratic values in the past.Hope to benefit from the agent war.

The Gaza crisis caused extensive concerns. Many national leaders rushed to the Middle East and started to mediate.

Egyptian President Cecil launched the International Summit in an emergency, hoping to promote the ceasefire between the two parties and transport humanitarian supplies to Gaza.The Palestinian power agency President Abbas, Kuwait Crown Prime Minister Mishaler, Italian Prime Minister Meloni, Cyprus President Herisozetis, Greek Prime Minister Mizttacis, European Union leaders, and the European Union leaders, and the leaders of the European UnionSouth African President Rama Tosa and so on.Germany, France and Japan will attend the summit by foreign ministers.Russia has not announced the participating representatives.

Immediately after Biden, British Prime Minister Sonak went to the Middle East. He Meeting with Israel Prime Minister Neitana .Sunak showed that Britain supported Israel to seek long -term security of the country; he also said that the Palestinian people should be guaranteed to obtain humanitarian assistance.

On Friday, Sunak and Qatar's head of state Tamim had a talks. The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs later issued a statement saying that the two agreed that the tension between the Middle East would be upgraded and urgently needed to provide food and water for the suffering civilians.