(Washington Composite Electric) The anonymous senior officials of the US military revealed that Russia's ammunition supply is rapidly decreasing. Without the filling of the new military fire, if the Russian army continues to attack the Ukraine at the current speed, the existing inventory may only be only in inventory.Being able to endure it early next year.

The senior official said on Monday (December 12): "We evaluated the rate of fire of Russian artillery and rockets. They have been continuing to have such attack, which can only be supported to the beginning of 2023." He said that by that time, the Russian army may be forced to transfer and use old, unreliable artillery and rocket ammunition, and some ammunition may be manufactured more than 40 years ago, and the failure rate is high.

The United States has accused Russia accusing Russia's consumption of conventional ammunition, turning to Iran and North Korea for more weapons.The United States and Ukraine refer to Iran to provide drones for Russia, while Britain said that Moscow tried to buy hundreds of ballistic missiles from Iran, and provided Iran with unprecedented military and technical support as exchange.

Ukrainian President Zelei Call on Monday called on the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) to provide more weapons to Ukraine, including modern tanks, rocket launchers and long -range missiles.He pointed out that the power of Russian grenades and missiles is still stronger than Ukraine.

G7 will set up a cross -agency platform coordination to coordinate the short -term assistance of Wuchang

Zeelianzki also said that Ukraine needs the additional natural gas of "about 2 billion cubic meters" to survive this winter.He pointed out that the Russian -intensive bombing of the infrastructure of Ukraine's power plant and other infrastructure caused major damage, "forcing us to use more natural gas than expected. This is why we need extra help this winter."

G7 issued a joint statement after the meeting on Monday, announcing that they would cooperate with Ukraine, international partners and international financial institutions to establish a cross -institutional platform to coordinate long -term assistance to Ukraine and support Ukraine reconstruction.

Dutch Foreign Minister Hokstra said on the same day that the Netherlands was willing to set up a new court to trial Russia's invasion of Ukraine.The Netherlands will seek international support and funds for the new court with the European Union.

Hulkstra said: "More and more people think that we need a special court to trial the invasive act and the crime of launching war. The international criminal court cannot do this."