The U.S. House of Representatives passed the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), providing military assistance of Taiwan's US $ 10 billion (S $ 13.5 billion) in the next five years, seeking to accelerate the selling weapons to Taiwan.Scholars of interviewees believe that this is a way for the United States to maintain a "fighting" for China, and military sales have not actually span the red line of China on Taiwan.

According to Agence France -Presse, the overwhelming voting of the US House of Representatives passed a total of $ 858 billion on Thursday (December 8).The Senate is expected to review and vote on the bill next week, and it will take effect by signing by the US President Biden.

In addition to providing more resources for the U.S. military, it also covers the content of assisting Taiwan's military defense capabilities, including authorizing the US government to provide Taiwan's $ 2 billion military aid each year from 2023 to 2027; set up a responsible "New loan guarantee institutions of foreign military financing "to speed up Taiwan's procurement weapons.The bill also authorized Biden to establish a "regional emergency response reserve library" for Taiwan for use in conflict.

The State Department of the United States also approved two cases of US $ 428 million on Tuesday (6). The equipment involved included F16 fighters, C130 transport aircraft, fighter parts, accessories and repair support systems.This is the seventh time in Taiwan's military sales since Biden took office.

After the first face -to -face meeting of Biden and China's official last month, China and the United States continued to release signals to improve relations between the two countries, including restoring a number of communication mechanisms and cooperation.Public opinion is worried that the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act will anger Beijing and the shadow of the peaceful momentum of Sino -US relations.

Song Wendili, a lecturer at the Asia -Pacific College of the National University of Australia, pointed out in an interview with the United Morning Post that the National Defense Authorization Act was included in some of the Taiwan Policy Law and Taiwan's enhanced tough bill.

He explained that different from the previous bills, the National Defense Authorization Act deleted the provisions of challenging the "one China principle", such as designated Taiwan as "the main non -NATO ally" and the name "Taiwan representative office" replaced the current "resident stationThe United States Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office "and so on.

Scholars: Midea tries to make normalization of Taiwan military sales normally

Song Wendi's research and judgment, although the United States has compromised in this regard, it will continue to provide military assistance to Taiwan on the grounds of maintaining peace and stability on both sides of the strait.He said that the United States tried to make the military sales of Taiwan normally, hoping that Beijing could gradually realize that there is no necessity in the United States and China relations and the United States and Taiwan relations.

In response to a new round of military sales in the United States, Tan Kefei, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, responded on Thursday that the United States "blatantly sets up the Chinese side with a solemnity and interfered in China's internal affairs again."Tan Kefei reiterated that Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests, and the first out of the red line of Sino -US relations.

Huang Jiezheng, an associate professor of the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Taiwan Tamkang University, believes that the most unacceptable intervention of external forces is the principles of foreign support to Taiwan independence and division forces to blur and empty the principles of China.

He said: "If compared with this, the arms and NDAA provisions now announced are relatively not a matter of principle."

Song Wenyi's analysis, if China does not show any substantial sanctions, it means that the negative impact caused by this storm is "in controlling the controlled range", which does not affect the two countries' strategic competition and fighting.direction.

He said: "The most serious red line does not leap. As for military assistance, Beijing will not be happy, but considering that the actual military resources on both sides of the strait are so large, the amount of military aid is actually not decisive."