Senior officials of the US State Department responsible for the Asia -Pacific Organization Affairs Mori said that the extensive recognition of APEC member states must have a more tough supply chain, while both China and the United States are members of APEC, so two two, so two two, so two two, so twoThe country maintains communication within the APEC framework to ensure that the supply chain has due elasticity.

The United States emphasizes that it will not seek decoupling with China, but will strengthen cooperation with different opinion partners, continue to promote the establishment of a more tough supply chain in the Asia -Pacific region to ensure that cross -border goods and services are not interrupted.

The US State Department, Matt Murray, a senior official of the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC) affairs on Monday (December 12) at a press conference at the US embassy in the United States that after experiencing the crown disease, APEC member statesWidely recognized that "there must be more tough supply chains", and both China and the United States are members of APEC, so the two countries maintain communication within the APEC framework to ensure that the supply chain has due to its due elasticity.

Mo Li said: "The question is how to cooperate with our partners. Some partners have a lot of common points with us, and others may have different views. How can we still get the need for the products and the products and the partners of different opinions.Services, even if the supply chain is interrupted. "

will ensure that the semiconductor supply is not interrupted through platforms such as APEC

The US Minister of Commerce Raymond and Treasury Secretary Yellen reiterated on different occasions at the end of November that the United States does not seek decouples with China because the maintenance of strong economic and trade relations in the United States and China is important to the global economy.

However, Raymond's speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology emphasized that the United States will not allow China to use cutting -edge technology to improve military capabilities.

The U.S. government has launched new laws and organizational allies for this to restrict domestic and allies semiconductor companies to sell advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China and ban Americans from helping China to develop chip production technology.The semiconductor industry is an important economic pillar in the Asia -Pacific region. Asia -Pacific partners in the United States are concerned that the United States will destroy the semiconductor supply chain in the region.

In response to the concerns of how the United States appeases APEC partners' concerns about the semiconductor supply chain, Merry said that the US government's approach is to hope that through different platforms and frameworks, including APEC, Indo -Pacific Economic Frameworks (IPEF), and four -party security dialogue dialogue(Quad), etc., ensure that the supply chain in semiconductor and other key production areas is not interrupted.At the same time, the U.S. government also provides an environment for American companies to make wise investment decisions for US companies through APEC and other platforms.

The United States will be the rotating chairman of APEC next year, and the summit will be held in San Francisco in November.Merry said that the theme of APEC next year is to create a tough and sustainable future for everyone, and create a area of interconnected, innovative and inclusive.

The United States Conference invites Russia to participate in the APEC series conference

Regarding whether Russia can send representatives to the United States next year, Merry said that the United States will invite Russia to participate in the APEC series of meetings in the role of a good host country."We have notified our Russian peers that we will follow the rules and regulations of the United States in terms of arrangement of their conferences. In fact, two Russian representatives attended the work meeting last week, and they chose a virtual method instead of going to Hawaii.It was their decision, but we invited them, just like inviting other economies. "

The Russian and Ukraine War led to many international conferences to face the problem of joint communiqués, or the problem of the US pressure chairman of the United States should not invite Russian faction representatives to participate.At the international conference with senior Russian officials, representatives of European and American countries also protested.