(Washington Composite Electric) The US government sent senior delegations to visit China to follow up the promise made by the Sino -US leader's peak talks last month.

The State Department of the United States issued a statement on Saturday (December 10) that members of the delegation of visiting China include Daniel Kritenbrink, assistant Secretary of State Daniel Kritenbrink, who are responsible for East Asia and Pacific Affairs.Director Laura Rosenberger.

The trip to Asia is scheduled to be from December 11th to 14th, during which they also visit South Korea and Japan.

The State Department of the US State Department stated that when the delegation visited China will follow up with the US President Bayeng's meeting with Chinese officials in Bali, Indonesia last month, the two sides "continued to manage the competition between the two countries responsibly and explorePromise in the field of potential cooperation.

This visit will also prepare for the visit to China in early 2023, US Secretary of State Broskens.

In South Korea and Japan, the delegation will negotiate with Korean and Japanese officials on "a series of regions and bilateral issues".

China and the United States are the two largest economies in the world, with more military expenditures than other countries, and are conducting fierce strategic competition.

Bynden and the Chinese official in November held the first face -to -face talks from the G20 Summit on Bali Island in November.The two discussed many controversial issues, including Taiwan's future, the United States' restrictions on China's high -tech imports, China's measures to expand global influence, and North Korea.

Bayeng said after the talks that China and the United States do not have to go to the New Cold War, and both countries have the responsibility "to prevent competition from becoming a matter that may be close to the conflict." Chinese officials also told Bayon that the two countries "have more rather than more rather than not, isn't it rather than not?With less common interests ", the two sides" need to find the right direction "and" enhance relationships ".

As the differences between China and the United States' invasion of Ukraine and economic issues in China and the United States have been heating up, Biden and Chinese officials also promised to communicate more frequently.

Campbell, a coordinator of the National Security Council, said on December 8 that as China faces domestic economic challenges and has a strong diplomatic style in Asia, China hopes that Sino -US relations will be stable in the short term.

Campbell said in the Aspeng Security Forum held in Washington: "What China does not need now is the public and hostile Sino -US relations. What they want is a certain degree of predictability and stability.To achieve this goal. "

He predicts that the world will be in the next few months to see China and the United States restore some more practical and predictable major diplomatic elements.