The Financial Times reported that Russia has formed a "shadow fleet" composed of more than 100 ships trying to bypass Western sanctions.These vessels are said to insure insurance companies from non -Western countries to sell crude oils that have been transported to countries at high prices to countries that have not participated in sanctions.

(London Composite Electric) The European Union prohibits the input of Russia's oil and the international community to set a maximum of $ 60 in Russia's sea transport crude oil, which has caused interference to Hailu Shipping.

In order to punish Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the European Union was prohibited from importing Russia's sea transportation from Monday (December 5).

The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) and Australia, limited the price of Russia's sea transportation oil at $ 60 per barrel, also took effect on the same day.

These measures are designed to cut off Russia's main source of income, but also slow down oil transportation.

Financial Times reported that Russia has formed a "shadow fleet" consisting of more than 100 ships, trying to bypass Western sanctions.These vessels are said to insure insurance companies from non -Western countries to sell crude oils that have been transported to countries at high prices to countries that have not participated in sanctions.

But Turkey has now strengthened the review for security reasons. It is required to prove that these vessels have proved that they have purchased oil leakage or other accident insurance, so that they can let them control the Bosporus Strait and Dardanelles (DardanellesStrait) sequel to the international market.

Maritime Insurance Corporation London Cosmetics Association said that the requirements of the Turkey government far exceeded the general information required by the entry confirmation letter."It requires confirmation that the insurance will not be damaged in any case, including the insurer's violation of sanctions."

Baker, the global supervisor of the sea transportation and freight company of the insurance brokerage company, said that the upper limit of the price "adds another layer of complexity for the already complicated situation", but this additional administrative burden on the delay of the shipping of the sea road"It may achieve the effect that the Seven Groups want."

However, the market price of each barrel of Russian Ural Crude Oil is about $ 65, which indicates that the price limit may only have a limited impact in the short term.

Russian President Putin said on Friday that Russia could reduce crude oil output to respond to price restrictions.

UNICREDIT analysts Kanpanela said: "Moscow has provided insurance banned insurance ban to potential customers through the state -owned Russian state reinsurance company."

In addition, it is generally believed that the "shadow fleet" that does not care about sanctions has sufficient transportation capabilities, so Russia can sell oil without considering the upper price limit.

A executive of an oil transport company that is unknown to name told AFP: "This means that it can sell oil to China, India, Brazil or other parts of the world, and there is no need to comply with the price limit."

Bloomberg Petroleum strategist Julian Lee pointed out that the EU ’s Russian shipping crude oil entry ban has cracked down on Russia's oil income.

After the ban took effect, Moscow will lose one market with more than 1.5 million barrels of crude oil every day.

If Poland and Germany have also fulfilled their commitments to stop pipeline imports, by the end of the year, Russia will lose 500,000 barrels of oil sales daily.

Petroleum prices do not rise and fall, Russian crude oil prices are still higher than the balance of revenue and expenditure

However, oil prices do not rise and fall.Last Friday, on the fifth day of the Import Banning, the benchmark Buret crude oil transaction price was lower than $ 77 per barrel, and briefly fell below $ 76.This has decreased by more than 14%from the high point that the sanctions effective day.

At the same time, Russian crude oil is only slightly higher than $ 40 per barrel at the Polish port; the Pharma port is the largest export point for Russian crude oil.The price of $ 40 is considered to be the price of Russian crude oil to obtain a balance of revenue and expenditure, and is far lower than the price limit of $ 60 set in the West.