The South Korean Government's multiple departments jointly issued an early warning to remind Korean companies to forge nationality and identity in Korean information technology (IT) personnel, and to undertake South Korean enterprise affairs.South Korea is the second country to issue warning to North Korea after the United States.

Seven departments including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea, the National Intelligence Institute, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Unification, required Korean companies to increase their vigilance on Thursday (December 8), strengthen employee identity confirmation processes, and be careful to prevent the employment of North Korean IT staff who forged forgery.

The Korean government said that the Korean people who rested overseas forged their identities, undertake the work of IT companies in various countries, and earn hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign exchange each year.The proportion of foreign exchange earned for the North Korean regime has increased year by year.

South Korea believes that most of North Korea's IT personnel belong to institutions such as the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of National Defense and other sanctions by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of National Defense. Most of the earnings earned will be paid to the affiliated institutions for nuclear guidance research and development.In the warning, the government introduced in detail the activities of North Korea's IT personnel, the method of fake identity, and the matters that related platforms and enterprises should pay attention to.

Est Security of South Korea's security threat analysis professional organization disclosed that it was attacked by fishing emails in April 2019 in South Korea.The attacker issued an email dissemination malicious software on the topic of "Speaking of the Speech on the Speaking of the Summit of the South Korean Beauty".

The network security personnel found different from the attacker's account "Jamfedura".The user uses the same user name and avatar to find jobs on the platform connecting South Korean program development companies and free developers.The place of residence in users indicates China, the avatar is young Asian men, and the net security staff later found that the avatar was a photo of the modeling from a model website.The resume of the user has eight years of work experience, with virtual currency mining, trading program or game website development experience.

Humanities Zhong Xian, responsible for the center of response, believes that the user may be a Korean agent who disguised as a camouflage to undertake the software development of Korean enterprises. At the same time, he tried to invade Korean companies and earn foreign exchange to North Korea after earning foreign exchange.

It is understood that the daily salary of North Korea's IT personnel is about $ 50 (about S $ 67), which competes by cost performance.They will not only make general programs, but also make malware, communicate with Korean companies with chat tools, and collect wages through PayPal or Bitcoin.

Lin Zhongren, a special assistant assistant to the Presidential Palace, said that North Korea's IT staff also uses Korean, with outstanding abilities and cheaper costs than peers, so it is easy to be hired by Korean enterprises.

Park Yuankun, a professor at the Department of Korean Studies at Lihua Women's University, believes that the warning of the South Korean government will play a role in preventing North Korea from earning foreign exchange and raising nuclear guidance research and development funds.