Campbell, an Indo -Pacific Affairs coordinator of the National Security Council, predicts that the world will see some more practical and predictable major diplomatic elements in China and the United States in the next few months.In terms of Taiwan's subject, he believes that the Russian and Ukraine War has contributed to more behind -the -scenes discussion on how to maintain peace and stability.

(Washington / Wurgurburg Comprehensive News) As China faces domestic economic challenges, tough diplomatic style has also caused a rebound in Asia.The country's relationship is stable.

According to Reuters and Bloomberg, Campbell said on Thursday (December 8th) in the Aspert Safety Forum in Washington, the capital of the United States that China has encountered challenges in resistance to diseases, such as the people's demonstrations expressing strict epidemic prevention.After dissatisfaction, economic slowdown, and the relaxation of epidemic prevention measures, the crown disease epidemic may deteriorate to losing control.

He also said that China also challenged many countries, including territorial disputes with Japan and India."I think they realize that this is counterproductive in many ways."

Campbell said: "All this means that what China is the least needed now is the public and hostile US -China relations. What they want is a certain extent predictability and stability, and we also try to achieve this goal."

He predicts that within a few months of the world, I will see that China and the United States will restore some more practical and predictable diplomatic elements.In terms of Taiwan's subject, Campbell said that the Russian and Ukraine War had contributed to more behind -the -scenes discussion on how to maintain peace and stability.

After the first meeting of the Sino -US dollar in November, Sino -US relations seem to tend to ease, and US Secretary of State Broskens also plans to visit China early next year.

The British Ambassador to the United States Pierce believes at the Aspen Forum that there is currently a risk of misjudgment and misunderstanding of China. "Because in the face of any situation that Chinese measures may occur, the response mechanism we can adopt, we can adopt the mechanism, we can adopt the mechanism.Not as much as I thought. "

U.S. Secretary Yellen: Looking forward to a closer communication with China

On the other hand, US Treasury Minister Yellen told reporters in Texas on Thursday that she was open to visit China."I don't have a clear plan for visiting China, but of course I have an open attitude towards this and look forward to having a closer communication than in the past or two."

Yellen said that the potential topic of talks with Chinese officials in the future will include poverty and developing countries that have borrowed a large amount of loans from Chinese state -owned lending institutions and are currently in trouble. China needs to fully participate in debt in these countries to fully participate in the debts of these countries.Reorganize work.She had proposed debt issues to Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He and other Chinese officials, but she did not see much progress at present.

After the finance minister, Yellen talked with Liu He several times, and met Yi Gang, the president of the People's Bank of China during the leadership summit of the G20 (G20) Group (G20) Leadership Summit in Bali Island, Indonesia.US officials announced at the time that Yellen and Yi Gang discussed the global macroeconomic and financial development and exchanged opinions on macroeconomic prospects in the United States and China.

Yellen believes that when commenting on China's epidemic prevention subject, China has encountered very complicated problems in adjusting relevant policies, which has led to the slowdown in China's economic growth and implies that the use of western development of MINA vaccine (mRNA) vaccine may be available.Help.She said that if China's crown disease has changed positively, this will possibly rise in economic growth.