The United States and Japan Dedu is the main source of machinery and professional knowledge required for advanced semiconductors.Lasgen, an analyst at Lianbo Securities, believes that once the three countries join forces, "China will not be able to build a cutting -edge industry by its own strength."

(Washington Composite Electric) It is reported that Japan and the Netherlands agreed to join the ranks of the United States to strengthen the control of China's export -advanced chip manufacturing equipment, which means that the way to buy such equipment in China will almost be completely blocked.China has set the US chip -related export control measures to resort to the dispute resolution mechanism of the World Trade Organization.

Bloomberg quoted insiders reports that Japan and the Netherlands may announce in the next few weeks that at least part of the export control measures for advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment issued by the United States in October in October.The Biden government previously said that these measures aims to prevent the Chinese military from getting advanced semiconductors.

The National Security Counselor of the White House has confirmed that the United States has discussed with partners including Japan and the Netherlands to discuss the export of chip -related equipment in China, but it has not provided more details.

He said: "I will not announce any news in advance. We are very happy to be frank, substantial and fierce discussions between extensive countries. These countries have common concerns with us ...The primary task is that we are working in this direction. "

The Minister of Trade in Japan also revealed that when he was questioned, he talked about cooperation in export control when he called with US Minister of Commerce Raymond last week."Because this is diplomatic, I cannot provide details, but Japan has always implemented export control in accordance with the spirit of international cooperation."

Bloomberg reported earlier that the National Security Council and the Ministry of Commerce officials visited the Netherlands at the end of last month to discuss export control issues.

China has filed a lawsuit against the United States in the WTO

At present, the United States has restricted domestic semiconductor equipment suppliers, Lam Research Corp, Applied Materials Inc, and KLA Corp, but relevant regulatory measures still need Japan.Tokyo Electron cooperates with ASML in the Netherlands to achieve the effect.

The United States and Japan Lands are the main sources of machinery and professional knowledge required for advanced semiconductor.Lasgen, an analyst at Lianbo Securities, believes that once the three countries join forces, "China will not be able to build a cutting -edge industry by its own strength."

China Monday (December 12) filed a lawsuit in the United States in the World Trade Organization (WTO), saying that this was a necessary way to defend its legitimate rights and interests.The Ministry of Commerce of China pointed out that in recent years, the United States has continuously generalized the concept of national security, abused export control measures, hindered the normal international trade of products such as chips, threatening the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain, and destroying international economic and trade order. It is a typical trade protectionist practice.

China has called on the United States to abandon the thinking of zero -sum game, to correct the wrong practices in time, stop disturbing the trade in high -tech products such as chips, and maintain the stable supply chain of important industrial chains such as Sino -US normal economic and trade exchanges and global chips.

There are 60 days of negotiation in the United States. If the problem is not resolved, China may require the WTO to establish an arbitration group.However, the dispute solution may take several years, and even if China wins the lawsuit, the United States may also overthrow the result by proposing appeal.