(Washington Composite Electric) California scientists have made breakthroughs in the field of nuclear agglomeration, and the net energy gain of the nuclear fusion reaction for the first time has been achieved, adding help to create a net zero -carbon emissions society.

According to the Financial Times Sunday (December 11) reported, the Nuclear Fusion (LLNL) of Lawrence Lerooremore (LLNL), California, reacts about 2.5 trillion joules.At 2.1 mega Jiao ear in the energy of the driving laser, the energy generated by the fusion is more than the injection energy.

The US Minister of Energy Grandhom revealed on the 11th that it will announce a "major scientific breakthrough" this week, but refuses to disclose more information related to research.

LLNL spokesman shows that scientists are still analyzing the research results, saying that they will announce more content on Tuesday (13th).


Nuclear agglomeration reaction is directly collided by two lighter nucleus, combining a heavier nuclear or accompanied by a very light nuclear.

But the process of fusion reaction requires extremely high temperature and pressure to trigger and difficult to maintain.For decades, scientists can only achieve polymerization energy release through hydrogen bombs, and continue to study the controllable nuclear fusion method of energy gain.

is conducive to the development of sustainable new energy

Because the raw materials of the controllable nuclear fusion reaction can be taken directly from the seawater, the source is almost inexhaustible. Compared with the reaction of nuclear fissure, the polymerization reaction is more safe and the nuclear waste is very short.Breakthrough progress is of great significance to sustainable new energy in the world.

But analysis believes that although this technology has made breakthrough progress, the nuclear aggregation reaction distance is still long -distance to go.