Putin participated in the Eurasian Economic Union Summit on Friday at the Bisshka Kakka Biskek Kok on Friday that Moscow considers whether to follow Washington's premiere and use high -precision missiles for preventive blows.Strategies to ensure their own safety.

(Moscow / New York Comprehensive Electric) Russian President Putin issued a more noticeable nuclear warning, saying that Russia considers to modify military standards and set up a starting nuclear attack as a strategic strategy to lift the enemy forces.

Putin on Friday (December 9) in the capital of the Eurasian Economic Alliance in Bishka Kok, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, said that Moscow considers whether to follow Washington's premiere and use high -precision missiles for preventive strikes.To ensure the safety of the country.

He said at a press conference: "We are considering this problem. If we are talking about the anti -enemy armed blow, maybe we should consider the American approach."

According to the existing military standards of Russia, the use of nuclear weapons is the last means to respond to crisis when the state faces life and death.As the Russian army continued to be frustrated in the Ukrainian battlefield, international worried that Putin would resort to nuclear weapons to reverse the war situation.

Putin warns that if any country dares to attack Russia with nuclear weapons, it will eventually disappear from the earth.

He emphasized that Russia's advanced hypersonic weapon can ensure that it can make a strong response when attacked.He even said that Russia's cruise missiles and hypersonic systems are "more advanced or even more effective" than the United States.

This is the second time Putin involved in nuclear weapons this week.Just on Wednesday, he pointed out that the risk of nuclear war outbreaks around the world is rising, saying that Russia's nuclear arsenal is a "deterrent factor" to prevent conflicts.

On the same day, US Secretary of Defense Austin said Russia is expanding the nuclear arsenal and modernization.

He said: "The Kremlin continues to carry out cruel and non -provocative war in Ukraine, and the world also sees Putin's extremely irresponsible nuclear threat."

According to experts, Russia's nuclear military inventory is currently the most in the world, with nearly 6,000 warheads.Russia and the United States nuclear warheads accounted for about 90 % of the world's total, which is enough to destroy the earth many times.

Russia and the United States have recently conducted negotiations on the New Start of the New Start to limit the number of nuclear bombs that can be deployed by both sides.

However, Russia accused the United States of trying to manipulate the treaty to occupy an advantage, and as a result, he exited on the eve of the negotiation.

The United States and Britain refers to the more close defense cooperation relationship between Russia and Iran

On the other hand, according to the United States and Britain, Russia and Iran are developing closer defense cooperative relations.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said on Friday that Russia is developing a "comprehensive defense partnership" with Iran, saying that this is "harmful" to Ukraine, Iranian neighbors and the world.

He said that the two countries have a wide range of cooperation, involving helicopters, fighters and drones."Russia wants to cooperate with Iran in the fields of weapons development, military training and other fields ... These will promote their relationships into comprehensive defense partnerships."

He also quoted reports that Russia and Iran are considering establishing a joint production line in Russia to create suicide drones.

Barbara Woodward, the UK in the United Nations, also said that Russia tried to obtain more weapons from Iran, including ballistic missiles, and exchanged conditions to provide Iran with unprecedented military and technical support.

She told the media that Iran has shifted hundreds of drones to Russia since August.The Russian army used such drones to "kill civilians and crack down on civil infrastructure.

"We are worried that Russia will provide Iran with more advanced military technology, which will enhance Iran's weapon strength."

She also said that due to Russia's weapon inventory, Britain "almost affirmed" Russia is also trying to purchase weapons from North Korea and other strict sanctions.