(Jakarta Comprehensive) South Korea, Japan, and the United States vowed that all options will consider all options to respond to North Korean nuclear threats, including counterattacks to fill any vulnerabilities of the international community on the Korean sanctions system.

South Korea's Korean Peninsula Peaceful Safety Affairs Special Representative on behalf of Kim Jian on Tuesday (December 13) held a talk with representatives of Japanese and American representatives that North Korea is "increasingly aggressive and bold in nuclear threats."Aiming at North Korea's sanctions and narrowing the vulnerabilities in the international community's sanctions on the DPRK.

Kim Jian was a talks with the Director of the Asian and Oceania Affairs Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, and the US State Council ’s North Korean special envoy Venus held talks.Kim Jian pointed out: "The further provocative behavior of North Korea will lead to a firm and united response to the international community."

Ship Yue Yingyu said that the three countries have raised security cooperation to unprecedented levels.He said: "We will study all options, including counterattack ability."

Japan and South Korea have previously held talks on North Korea.Tuesday talks were held in the US Embassy in Jakarta.Venus is also an ambassador to the United States in Indonesia.Venus said at the meeting that North Korea's actions were one of the most serious security challenges in the region and outside.He believes that: "Only by standing together and consistent with the same caliber, can there be a way to successfully resolve the challenge of the North Korean Democratic People's Republic of China."

Intective shot missiles that fired on November 18, North Korea made more than 60 missiles this year.The outside world is worried that North Korea may prepare to restore nuclear military tests that have been suspended in 2017 to this day.

Kim Jian pointed out that China, the most closely related to North Korea, has the ability to influence Pyongyang, hoping that Beijing can "continue to play a constructive role in this regard."

US reports refer to the US and Russia's seemingly restored railway trade activities

According to a report released by John Hopkins' website "38 degrees north latitude" (38 NORTH) on Monday, North Korea and Russia seem to have resumed the suspension of railway trade that has been suspended for nearly three years due to the crown disease epidemic.Activity.Russia transported the goods to North Korea at the end of November and early December, while the North Korean side found the unloaded goods at least twice.North Korea is also expanding freight processing at a station, showing that they are preparing for more goods.