North Korea Foreign Minister Cui Shanji warned that the more the United States insisted on strengthening the provision of "extended deterrence" to the allies, and the military provocations on the Korean Peninsula and region, and the military response of North Korea will become more violent.

Experts say that this is a warning that North Korea is warning that if the United States is not prepared to have the negotiation conditions that North Korea wants, they will continue to test intercontinental missiles or conduct nuclear tests in the future.

This is the first statement of Cui Shanji, who was promoted to the Foreign Minister in June of this year.

Cui Shanji said that North Korea adopted legal military behavior in response to South Korea, the United States, and the Japanese aggression.And "strong decisive response" measures.She warned that the move would inevitably push the situation on the peninsula to the unpredictable situation.

Analysis pointed out that North Korea may be aimed at South Korean President Yin Xiyue, US President Biden, and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida, while attending the Asian Delica Series Summit in Cambodia on the 13th.Expanding curbing power, if North Korea forcibly conducts nuclear tests, will face strong resolute response in the international community.

North Korea launch a short -range ballistic missile to the east waters

The announcement of the release of about an hour and a half, North Korea launched a short -range ballistic missile to the east waters after eight days.In this regard, Han and Mei held a cooperation meeting to jointly implement missile interception exercises.

Analysis believes that the "American extension deterrence" mentioned in Cui Shanji's statement refers to deploying strategic weapons.The U.S. Air Force B-1B bomber is currently deployed to the Sanzawa base in northern Japan.

Chief researcher at the unified research institute Zhao Hanfan pointed out that Cui Shanji's conversation was a response to the talks between South Korea, the United States, and the South Korean summit.North Korea is warning that if you are not ready to negotiate the negotiations you want, you will continue to test intercontinental missiles and conduct nuclear tests in the future.

The former South Korean Unified Minister Kim Jiongxi believes that because it is not the Minister of Staff of the DPRK, but the statement of a foreign minister issued a statement of military issues, which is intriguing.North Korea may be issued, as long as the tension is resolved first, and information is willing to talk unconditionally with the United States.