The US media expects that of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives, the Republican Party has 218 seats, reaching the threshold of most partys.There are 10 seats in the Democratic Party, and seven seats are unreasonable.Although the 218 seats did not reach the "red wave" expected by the Republican Party, it has made it capable of blocking Bayeon's agenda and launched a survey of political destructive investigations on his government.

(Washington Composite Television) The Republican Party of the United States has won 218 seats in the House of Representatives, and the control of the House of Representatives from the Democratic Party means that President Biden will face the divided parliament in the remaining two -year term.

The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and the United States CNN (CNN) predict that the Republican Party has won 218 seats among the 435 seats in the House of Representatives, reaching the threshold of the majority of the parties.There are 10 seats in the Democratic Party, and seven seats are unreasonable.

Although 218 seats have not reached the "red wave" expected by the Republican Party, the Republican Party has the ability to block the agenda of Biden and launch a survey of political destruction.

Biden issued a statement on the day to congratulate the Republican leader of the House of Representatives McCarthy.Biden said the American people hope that the White House and Congress will do things well for them and emphasize that he is willing to cooperate with the two parties to achieve results.

McCarthy will take over Perosi as the Speaker of the House of Representatives

McCarthy said in Twitter: "Americans are ready to meet the new direction. Republicans of the House of Representatives also prepare to achieve this goal." After the Republican Party won the control of the House of Representatives, McCarthy will replace the Democratic Party from January next year next year.Perlus is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, which enables the Republican Party to decide which legislative agenda to vote.

Republicans say they will use most of the seats in the House of Representatives to strengthen Washington's attention to Beijing, and at the same time, they will be more closely monitoring their assistance to Ukraine.But they emphasized that they will not stop supporting Kiev.

Republican Republican member McCawal, who is about to be the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commission, said his primary task is to compete with the rise in China, including monitoring high -tech exports.

McCawell told Reuters: "We are in competing with the great powers in China. They are our number one competitor, and they may be the biggest threat to US national security."

Republicans plan to strengthen the supply chain and support the US semiconductor production and export control to ensure that sensitive American technology will not fall into the hands of the Chinese military.McCord claims that he believes that the Democratic and Republican Party can cooperate on this issue and say "we have both sides of the Huagong."

As a majority party, the Republican Party can play a greater role in formulating expenditure policies and drafting legislation in addition to the legislation of the House of Representatives to review.But their overall impact on foreign policy will be limited.

Any bill must be approved by the Senate to become a law and signed by President Biden.In the Senate election, the Democratic Party has obtained 50 seats, and continues to control the Senate with one vote of Vice President Harris.

The United States Republican said that they will use most of the seats in the House of Representatives to strengthen Washington's attention to Beijing and at the same time supervise their assistance to Ukraine.But they emphasized that they will not stop supporting Kiev.