(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukraine Infrastructure Minister Cubulakov said on Thursday (November 17) that the black sea grain export agreement reached in July will be extended for 120 days.The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs subsequently confirmed the news and said that the content of the agreement was unchanged.This agreement helps alleviate global food shortages.

President Ukraine insisted on falling into Polish missiles is Russia launched

On the other hand, Ukrainian President Zelezki insisted on Wednesday that the missiles fell into Poland were launched by Russia and called on allies to share all the data related to the accident.

Zeleiski said that he concluded based on the Ukrainian military's military report, saying that the missile "no doubt" was not launched in Ukraine.

Late at night on Tuesday, a Russian missile fell into the eastern border of Poland, causing two to die.

Russia bombed Ukrainian civil facilities violently on the same day.The incident immediately triggered a panic that the war could expand to Ukraine.The United States and allies tried to avoid further upgrading the incident afterwards.

Byden does not agree with Zelleiski

Poland announced on Wednesday that this cannonball may come from Ukraine's air defense missiles, which was subsequently supported by Washington.When Biden returned to China after attending the G20 summit, he was immediately asked by the media.In the morning of Biden (November 17), he told the media that he did not agree with Zellennki.Bayon said: "The evidence is not the case", but he did not explain in detail.

Hungarian Prime Minister Olban's staff chief Gulias said on Wednesday that Zelenezki insisted on missiles was irresponsible by Russia.He praised Poland and the United States with caution after the incident.

In addition, the United States and Allies criticized Russia's missile attack on Ukraine at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday.

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield said that if it was not for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Poland's tragedy hit by missiles would not happen.

She said: "Ukraine has the right to protect herself."