The US President's National Security Consultant Sarawan warned that the Bayeng government was preparing to impose new sanctions on Chinese entities that support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and he also hinted that banks might be the goal.

According to Bloomberg Report, Sarawan said on Friday (July 19) in the Aspert Safety Forum held in Colorado: "We think China should stop because it is far exceeding that far beyond the state powerThe boundary of decent behavior "

He revealed:" As the situation continues to evolve in the next few weeks, it is expected that more sanctions can be introduced. "

Russia 2022Since the invasion of Ukraine in February in February, although China insisted that it was a central cube and did not provide a fatal weapon to any party, Western countries such as the United States believed that China and Russia maintained intimate political and trade relations, and also provided military and civilians to Russia with dual use of military and civilians.Items are funding to support the war of aggression against Russia.At the summit a week ago, NATO's leaders accused Beijing accusing Beijing of "the decisive empowerment of the Russia's Ukrainian war."

Shatin pointed out that the administrative order signed by the US President Biden at the end of last year authorized the Ministry of Finance to investigate those banks that facilitated military and civilian items for the Russian defense industry.He emphasized that these investigations tools were by no means.

He emphasized that the purpose of these investigations is that when these banks meet the sanctions conditions, the White House can take corresponding actions."I don't have any predictions today, but I can tell you that as time goes by, we have prepared all the tools to respond to this behavior, and we will also respond to this behavior."

It is reported that this is the latest warning issued by the Bayeng government to Chinese companies to help the Russian defense industry.Earlier, senior US officials including Secretary of State Brillin and Treasury Secretary Yellen had repeatedly issued warnings on sanctions on Beijing. Shatin's statement means that the new sanctions measures are not far from the introduction of the introduction.

Shatin said that when the United States took out specific evidence to prove that a financial transaction violated the US sanctions against the United States, Beijing has always responded.But "it is obvious, the situation is not optimistic," Chinese companies are still helping Russia's war machine operation.